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    AINP Application in CIC for January 2014.

    Guys, where can I find the tracking Google Doc for January?
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    AINP Application in CIC for January 2014.

    It seems like the date you finish medical exam matters more than when your file is received. Is this right?
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    AINP Application in CIC for January 2014.

    Application received on january 16. Medical exam done on mar 25. Still waiting for IP. I am applying with one dependent. Is it slower when you have a dependent?
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    Election will affect Immigration process?

    Hey Fido, thanks for the reply! What I was told is the government would slow down the process or even stop accepting application due to election. Then people have to wait until it is reopen. I am not sure whether this is accurate. Otherwise, it would be so unfair to many applicants like you...
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    I think it depends on where you live. I know you can if you live in Ont.. I am living in Alberta, not qualified`~~
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    Pretty upset

    I am pretty upset lately. I just accepted a job two months ago, working as accounting clerk which I should have been happy. Then I did some research about CEC, finding that the class of accounting clerk is not qualified for CEC... Does the class have to match up with my position to qualify CEC...
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    Election will affect Immigration process?

    Somebody told me that if there was an election going on, the immigration process would be very slow, even closed sometimes. I am not sure whether this is right information. Because apparently there is an election in May, will the CIC slow down or stop processing due to new government to be? :(