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  1. EVIL007

    Advice on Procedural Fairness Letter

    jUST ask your sponsor to go his respective bank and get letter from bank manager on bank letter head that " this person xxxxxx s/o xxxxxxx r/o xxxxxxxxx has a account in our bank , account number xxxxxxxx for past xxx years. His current balance is xxxxxxx rupee . He is a bonafida customer of...
  2. EVIL007

    finally i got it

    congrats namratha ;D Can you please tell me how much total funds did you showed for visa purpose.Ill really appreciate it.
  3. EVIL007

    University of Toronto - Fall 2015 Intake

    I would say just to be on safer side, opt for GIC, it will make your case stronger.
  4. EVIL007

    canada study visa may2015intake

    I would also suggest you to opt for GIC AND pay your first year fee in advance. It will make your case strong. In SOP, explain the mistake you made last time.
  5. EVIL007

    canada study visa may2015intake

    @zee_khan please share your profile. did u apply for university or college
  6. EVIL007

    University suggestion

    university of sasketchewan university of regina simon fraser university UBC UOIT Concordia university
  7. EVIL007

    4 years Gap in between education, pls help me...

    Nothing can be said with surity man, make sure in your SOP to include all these thing and attach proof of the same. Additional I would say try to in university , it will improve ur chances.
  8. EVIL007

    visa approval rate

    Re: visa approval factor help Of course, this is a negative point in your profile, try to score good ielts score. Add strong SOP.
  9. EVIL007

    Carleton university-fall 2015

    It is going to be long long wait buddy.
  10. EVIL007

    Accommodation before student visa filing?

    It is not required at all.
  11. EVIL007

    Canada student visa 2nd attempt

    First of all, lambton college is under SPP, so why didnt you under SPP for the first time if u r an indian. Did you paid your college fee before visa filing.
  12. EVIL007

    4 years Gap in between education, pls help me...

    what is your 10th, 12th and b.tech percentage ? Ilets score? Which course
  13. EVIL007


    @dental I must say that your friends were damn lucky to get visa with that much discrepancy between studies. But majority of the refusal cases are due to course mismatch. Look around this forum, you will find too many of them.
  14. EVIL007


    Even obama would have to go through medical, if he wants to get study visa ;D :P . Medical is mandatory for everyone irrespective of their nationality. About changing your field, there is two things u can do : 1. Apply visa for disability studies and add strong statement of purpose which should...
  15. EVIL007

    Any university with these scores??

    >:( >:( >:( for your information, if u have more than 2 backlogs, then winsdor wont accept your application.It is clearly written on their website.
  16. EVIL007

    Any university with these scores??

    okay :) within my knowledge, i can suggest you concordia university only. There could be more, ask from other members or search online.
  17. EVIL007

    all applicants for may intake

    But I am applying under university category, as I am going to university.
  18. EVIL007

    inquiry about study gap

    You were working during these six year , so it is not consider as a gap. Don't worry about this, go ahead with xonfidence
  19. EVIL007

    Any university with these scores??

    concordia university. how may backlogs did u had.