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    how to prove the realation is genuine

    hi dominica the way you dffinde your self and talk about your relation ship is the best prove i go throught interview this morning i take so much prove like over than 150 pict so much conversation skype and msn phone bills...i spend so much mony on that but the visa...
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    hi evry one

    hi evry one i just passed my interview tody and it was great the visa officer was wendefrful she didnt ask me so much question...she was honest with me so gintel and she was smiling too all the time the interview dont depassed more than 20 munits and she told me in the...
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    finally a good new after long weit

    mark 5 best wish for you and i hope you did good on your interview when you will have it and where???fox 82 thnx for your edvice and help and thnx any one here for help any other edvice is good and welcom best luck for you all
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    Paris VO

    ok my application was recived at apris the 27 of june 2011...i really dont know whay they ask me for interview but in the invitation they ask me to bring all proove to show that our relation is genuin
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    Paris VO

    hi svieira i going throught paris and yes i will have interview soon in the 17 of jannery 2012 some ppls told me that paris vo is suck but good luck for us
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    Prove Marriage Genuine or Not

    hi all i have interview soon so pls i need some edvice first haw i can print all my conversation in skype and msn??second in have like 1000 picters haw much i can take 3th i have so much emails too haw much i can print pls i need all edvice thnx so much
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    finally a good new after long weit

    thnx so much that really help me so good be safe and god bless you god luck for you too i wish you the best and i hope soon you get your pr visa in heand
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    finally a good new after long weit

    so fox 82 i have a last question if you can unswer to me...the first time when i meet my wife was in internet in 2009 that time i was using an other msn not what i have now and in some reason the last one was bloked so i have no conversation from that time just...
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    finally a good new after long weit

    yes thnx so much i have alots of them really you help me so goos thnx a lots i wish the best for you...just tell me about your news
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    Spouse Sponsorship Question !!

    i think you better get a job before you apply us they will ask you for income so if you dont have any income or you have a bitt it will be a prob maby it will be a reason to denied your application i am not sure about that but i think so
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    finally a good new after long weit

    thnx so much for replay i will do all what you told me thnx for all your edvice so i will print 110 for nice oicters for us her with my best friend and his wife and some with my famelly so you think 110 is good or i need more ?
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    hi guys first merry christmas for you all...ok soon i will go throught interview so i need some edvice from you all who have experince i need to know haw much picter i can take with me us i have about 1000 or so haw much mails i can print us i have a lots too i...
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    finally a good new after long weit

    thnx fox 82 a lots for your replay that is really helping good so my interview date is the 17 of jannery 2012 yes the send me invitation i need to bring with me throught the interview and sure they ask for all evidance...so i have so much picters i need to...
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    finally a good new after long weit

    so fox82 when you go to the interview what you did for evidanve for exaple skype haw you get them you just copy all your conversation in new document or you ahve some thing other you do it and pls for picters do you mke them in album or just in envlopp??and haw many...
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    finally a good new after long weit

    my visa office is paris so it take 3-4 month to get the visa after interview its long time
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    any good news?

    nice so the weiting game just start
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    finally a good new after long weit

    thnx fox 82 so much for this information i will do all what you told me and inchallah evry thing will be ok so whats step after your interview???
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    finally a good new after long weit

    i cant now its to late :(
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    finally a good new after long weit

    so danny do you go for an interview??if yes pls you can tell me haw long it take???
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    finally a good new after long weit

    thnx danny 4450 so so much god bless you