I am a software engineer.
Im interested in submitting my profile to NS PNP this year.
For submitting resume to NS PNP, does it need to be in Canadian format? Can anyone guide me?
I am a software engineer. Im interested in submitting my profilr to NS PNP this year.
For submitting resume to NS PNP, does it need to be in Canadian format? Can anyone guide me?
I want to apply for NSNP in 2017.
Does anyone have any idea as to when will it open in 2017?
Can someone tell me what are the basic documents required for NSNP?
Thanks in advance...
Will the 2nd or third province that I appled for know that I already applied for the first province?
If so, will all my applications for PNPs that I had applied for get cancelled?
Thank you.
Can you let me know whether we can apply for 2 or more provinces at the same time.
Like, if I apply for Nova Scotia PNP, can I also apply for New Brinswick PNP?