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  1. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    thanks! definitely a huge difference from uk! we paid £200 for a return from scotland to turkey... definitely wont be a cheap holiday anymore haha :)
  2. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    what were the flight prices like to fly from canada to greece? My parents just bought a house in turkey and we are hoping once we are living in canada to make the occassional trip to turkey to visit them... but I have a feeling flights will be expensive!
  3. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Congrats :) Email or post?
  4. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Just stalked the postman... Nothing again :( holding out for an email instead! :)
  5. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Really? I was just planning as going as a tourist and using my sponsorship and payment receipts to prove we are in the process...
  6. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Yeah I'm hoping to do that, especially if London are moving so fast :) I can handle not working for a few months, but definitely not for 7! Let's hope for both our sakes London are more efficient than Mississauga have been :)
  7. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Thanks! :) im hoping this is true!
  8. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    I just really hope this is the last week :( Felt like giving up hope today saying goodbye to my boyfriend today before his flight to Canada I don't want to go until we at least know that stage 1 was approved!!
  9. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    one more week feels like a year! you would think they would want may out of the way before they are flooded with phone calls! haha.
  10. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    love seeing how colourful our spreadsheet is :D Although I'm right in the middle of the uncoloured area haha. maybe cic will start in the middle, stranger things have happened! :)
  11. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Congrats! :) Good to see things still moving. I am making my partner phone on Monday morning (as he is in Canada and I am not) if we dont get anything today or tomorrow. I wish they would be consistent in at least one area! (dates, email/post, aor's etc)
  12. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Newmarket, ON for the first while as that's where my boyfriends working, but really I'd love to be in Toronto :) Just hoping everything starts moving, it's torture not even hearing one word!
  13. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    I hope you are right! Once stage 1 is complete I am hoping to join my partner in Canada to wait out the rest (with the hope that London process as fast as they are seeming to just now!)
  14. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    feeling the exact same :( The poor postman must be scared of me by now, and my internet bills will be sky high how often I am checking for an email!
  15. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Come on CIC send out more approvals today and please let one be for me!!! :D please!
  16. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Thanks Sweden! I didn't expect the stress to get to me this much. My partner leaves for Canada on Thursday. I guess I just wanted the peace of mind that at least stage 1 was successful before he leaves! No one understands this process unless they've been through/are going through! Good luck...
  17. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    I'm just so worried it has gotten lost at some point on the journey :( especially if they have been divided between offices!
  18. johare12

    May 2012 Applicants - JOIN HERE!

    Praying to hear by the end of the day or by post early tomorrow! 10 June applicants have approval, makes me mad :(
  19. johare12

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Congratulations! I'm so jealous our stage 1 hasn't even finished. What was your timeline? Seeing London work fast is the only thing keeping me positive
  20. johare12

    job change during sponsor evaluation

    Okay thanks! Will I have to wait to get my client number, after sponsorship before I am able to contact them? Just as I am thinking it could be useful for my partners sponsorship approval if they knew he was returning to Canada early