even no ppr yet.
i've contacted cpp to change spouse's email address which was wrong in gcms note and got reply and just noticed that it is Case Processing Pilot - Ottawa | Centre de Traitement Pilote - Ottawa KH5229
referring kinds of officer's code. is there anybody sharing same code with mine?
after 2 weeks he made an inquiry about his application status, he got answer that CIO needs his package tracking number, recieve date and reciever's name, and given all the information 2 weeks later again, CIO said they haven't recieved his package.
a friend of mine who sent his file on nov didn't get any reply until the begining of Feb, he made an inguiry and recently got answer that his package is totally lost in CIO. He sent package thru fedx too
just saw that july korean applicant got ppr on 22nd
her timiline is
app recieved at cio on 10th july
med request on 18th sep
med done on 24th sep
in process on 7th Nov
PPR on 22nd Feb