The cheapest i found was thru klm but to Sophia its shorter to Nis bit a hassle. The shorstest layover for calgary belgrade is in amsterdam. Will your husband fill out those B forms?
Im sure its safe but its that last stage and fearing someone f***s up lol. Im the same way and i think once we get to that i will be going over and going to vienna with my wife i cant wait anymore
I do suggest keeping and saving any further communication, emails, messages, boarding passes, western union reciepts etc. i did and it came in handy when the requested it. I visited my wife twice and made sure to take photos and save everything.
I dont think that will fast track your application. Might help if he is in a profession that is needed in canada. The biggest thing is making sure your marriage is genuine and that you paid your taxes and everyone has a clean record. I read that they actually look at weddings pics to see if...
My wife gets at work all the time...older ladies that just gossip and know someone that got visa's in just months and she just isnt the tupe of person to argue and get into it with them. I remember in the 90's guys waited 1.5-2 years to bring their wives. Last 10 years its been around 6 months...
Dont listen to what others say it wont help. Unless they are best friends with the minister of immigration no one can help by always asking whats taking so long or they know someone who got here in 1 month hahaha. Did you re-send the police certificate? You will be lucky if your husband gets...
I know many of them as well. And i keep hearing it because everyone is always smarter then you lol. There are other programs where people bring family and spouses. I heard of a guy in edmonton that got his wife and kids here in 3 months. so they wonder whats taking us so long. he is here on some...
Hello Mrs. Stankovic,
You can wait for them to request medical but most of us assume to get it out of the way because it is valis for one year and it wont delay your process. Little did any of us think that the processing times would be 14 months when we applied so what you see is almost...
The sponsored spouse has to sign a contest form so that the sponsor has the right to request the notes and has to have a canadian address. And make sure you ask for electronic file if you ask for hard copy the will close your file and send back your apllication. It costs $5. There are a few...
It takes awhile to get established here when you start from the begining. In canada you have the chance to be rich and poor 3-4 times in your lifetime. Once you start working things will get better. Lots of opportunities here
Those times are long gone. Yesterday i heard on the radio canada has the highest paid middle class in the world. If you want to live comfortably and go on holidays once a year, house 2 cars etc children, you need to be bringing in 8-10k a month into the house. Easier if both husband and wife...
Its what makes us all unique. Im sure if we went to africa we might get different manners. Even though calgary is a white collar go go go high stress city ive notice everyday encounters people are reallt polite
Wow your getting khmmm screwed hahahaha that is alot. 18 years ago i paid $220 a month for an 88' mustang. But i only drove it april-oct. basic coverage. New driver i was young. But if your financing or leasing you have to pay for full coverage 2 mil liability etc.