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  1. A

    Ray of Hope - 145th Draw - CEC

    Okay, maybe I tried a way that did not put out my intentions clearly. Let me try it again. The levels of immigration from a particular group do not seem to be hurting Canada in any way as there is no evident resistance to it yet. If and when the country feels that a certain group is negatively...
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    Ray of Hope - 145th Draw - CEC

    I am sorry I wasn't of much help. I did not need to check the tracking. I received mine in about 2 weeks after completion. I am assuming yours is taking time because of the current situation. But you can always download a softcopy of your evaluation. You can always call WES on business hours...
  3. A

    Ray of Hope - 145th Draw - CEC

    In your "Account Timeline" tab in your dashboard do you see any "Completed" application? If you do it will have options like "order duplicate IRCC" or "Download PDF Report". There you will see "Details" link beside your application reference number. That should show some details that can help you.
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    Ray of Hope - 145th Draw - CEC

    In your WES account, after you login, from your dashboard you can go into your "Account Menu" and there will be an option to "Track My Package". I think you should be able to track it from there.
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    Ray of Hope - 145th Draw - CEC

    The point @indianstudent96 is trying to make is not to underestimate and say that there are no competitive candidates from other countries. There is nothing stopping any high scoring individual from entering into the pool. Please see how the IRCC score is affected by the number of people in the...
  6. A

    Ray of Hope - 145th Draw - CEC

    The 80k is not out of the express entry pool. That is out of the 341K total immigrants in 2019. Please check the current ethnic distribution of the country and come to conclusions. The total population of Canada is currently close to 38million. And the ethnic group you are mentioning is only...
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    Ray of Hope - 145th Draw - CEC

    Can I ask you how old you are? I mean you have two years of CEC and a canadian degree. How do you have only 443? Just out of curiosity. No offense.
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    Ray of Hope - 145th Draw - CEC

    Don't worry my friend.! This is not "the end" the song is referring to. ;)
  9. A

    Ray of Hope - 143rd Draw - CEC

    As I was saying in another post I think the quota exists for more income to the country. True, CEC and PNP have a better chance of finding a job, but FSW's eventually does find jobs, meanwhile surviving on funds from back home. And I don't think they can just apply for unemployment benefits...
  10. A

    Ray of Hope - 143rd Draw - CEC

    Cheers to your score! I'm at the same CRS :) Well, I believe other than language skills, nothing else matters in Canada for the applicant to survive. I say that because I don't think it is easy for a person to get a job in Canada based on the level of education or work experience as most...
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    Ray of Hope - 143rd Draw - CEC

    I agree everything between "IRCC has no responsibility --- to --- why should they?" I wish that was all that you said. For the rest of your statement ignore the rest of my reply if I got your intention wrong, but it is not for a charity that IRCC is having FSW in quota. I am with you when you...
  12. A

    Ray of Hope - 141st Draw

    For someone with canadian education and 1year CEC, I cannot believe there are people arguing in this forum that it is hard to get scores more than 470. If you are not getting more than that it's only because you are not putting efforts on your language skills which are most needed to survive in...
  13. A

    Ray of Hope - 138th Draw

    Jan 2020. did I sound like I was waiting for many years? :p
  14. A

    Ray of Hope - 138th Draw

    I am guessing increased immigration goals to be one reason and maybe trying to give away with back to back draws since they want to keep the processing times fast. And also I guess (hope) they made proper changes to the processing system to keep the processing fast so that they can increase the...
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    Ray of Hope - 138th Draw

    Hahah.! a few more such typos and I will get an ITA for sure this year.
  16. A

    Ray of Hope - 138th Draw

    I could not believe my eyes for one minute. 4500? I think it is time to get those hopes up again. Scores are bound to come down. 137 is definitely a ray of hope. congrats to all those who will get an ITA today.
  17. A

    Ray of Hope - 137th Draw

    :) Everyone has the right to keep their water faucets turned on doesnt mean they can go waste resources others could use. People could have the conscience to withdraw their profile if they are going to get great scores in a couple of months and let others use them when they can. Unless they...
  18. A

    Ray of Hope - 136th Draw

    :) You are adding the quotas of express entry and provincial nomination programs, that is not the total applications for express entry stream. Not all the 67k provincial nominations go through express entry. Only the ones in the express entry pool are considered.
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    Ray of Hope - 136th Draw

    Hi, I am not sure of the entire process, but the 157,300 you said is not even half of Canada's immigration target for 2020 The IRCC's immigration targets for each year are well above 330,000(2019 target). For 2020 the target is actually 341,000 if I am not wrong. These targets are achieved by...