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  1. omi khan

    study permit requirements,,, for Pakistani students,,

    as far as my case is concirned, i got enough money to cover my all expenses and tuition fees..but after paying all my expenses and fees am left with not much cash to show in my statement.. if for suppose i have 25,00,000 rupees in my account, i have to pay my first semester fee of 650,000...
  2. omi khan

    study permit requirements,,, for Pakistani students,,

    bro can you please tell something about GIC if you have knowledge of it?? i have heard that you just need to deposit $10,000 in bank and you got a certificate..once received you dont need to show any bank statement..do you have any idea of that?
  3. omi khan

    study permit requirements,,, for Pakistani students,,

    very informative for the new applicants.. let me add one more thing.. from december 11 biometrics is compulsory for every applicant and there is no need of paper photographs..additional charges for biometrics have to be paid i guess its 85 dollars...read the guide below...
  4. omi khan

    APPLICANTS --> January intake---> 2014----> PAKISTAN---> Islamabad CIC

    bundle of thanks bro..so nice of you.. awsum effort bro for the info in the link..highly appreciated.. many thanks..
  5. omi khan

    pg diploma

    yeah but i found this course only in seneca college which will provide exemptions in CGA certified general accountants...if u want to find college in a state other than ontario here is a link..all the colleges are good: http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/OI/en/pnp/OI_PNPSTUDENTS_INSTITUTIONS.html#mast
  6. omi khan

    Got my VISA by the grace of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!!

    thanks for the reply bro..yeah i have write a strong sop.. bro if u could please also tell about GIC.. what is the procedure to get a GIC certificate?? once received a GIC certificate do i need to show any bank statement? also tell payment of 1st semester fee is enough to get visa??
  7. omi khan

    pg diploma

    yeah you might be right...every one see his own convenience..many people say that if u already have a bachelors degree than you should go for a pg certificate not for pg diploma as this will down grade the level of ur studies..i am choosing this course as i will get exemptions for first three...
  8. omi khan

    pg diploma

    bro am going in seneca college toronto..one of the best college to my knowlege..yes u can apply there without any hesitation.. best of luck..
  9. omi khan

    APPLICANTS --> January intake---> 2014----> PAKISTAN---> Islamabad CIC

    reply please...no one??? no worries best of luck all of you..
  10. omi khan

    APPLICANTS --> January intake---> 2014----> PAKISTAN---> Islamabad CIC

    hi guyz.. i got offer letter and going to apply for study permit for summer 2014 intake and i need some info from u guyz in this regard..if u could please help me into this.. i did my bachelors in 2010 and there is a gap of 3 years btw my previous and prospective qualification..am currently...
  11. omi khan

    Employment certificate to show as a home tie....plz give suggestions and advice

    thanks for the suggestion bro.. you mean to say there is no need to show any employment certificate or any practical experience certificate in order to cover study gap??
  12. omi khan

    pg diploma

    i am going for "professional accounting practice" a pg certificate..upon completion of this one can get exemptions in CGA (certified general accountants of canada) for first 3 levels i.e Level I, Level II and Level III..for me its good to step in the professional accountancy body of...
  13. omi khan

    pg diploma

    still not sure about the difference btw the two...i mean there is no consensus of people on difference btw the two..this makes me think of changing the course from pg certificate to pg diploma as i have enough time to apply for my visa...now what should i do??
  14. omi khan

    Employment certificate to show as a home tie....plz give suggestions and advice

    good point..but how can i show to visa officer of my ties? mean to say say do i need to show any physical evidence of this? like family registration certificate.. and what about my wife? do i need to show marriage certificate in that case.. as far as employment certificate is concirned, i also...
  15. omi khan

    Employment certificate to show as a home tie....plz give suggestions and advice

    but my employment certificate will state that i want to pursue this course to upgrade my own expertise and to groom professionally in an international environment..studying in a canadian context will add to my exposure of working in an international environment which is the requirement of my...
  16. omi khan

    pg diploma

    may be..but i was told by every person on this forum that go for pg certificate not for pg diploma as this will downgrade your study.but as you get visa on pg diploma so u might be right.... well from which country u applied for visa??
  17. omi khan

    Employment certificate to show as a home tie....plz give suggestions and advice

    thank you so much bro..this would be of great help to me..you raise a good point. yes i am married but my wife is currently living with her parents in saudi arabia..do i need to provide information about her?? mean to say what shez doing ther(studying or other)? shez fully supported by his...
  18. omi khan

    Got my VISA by the grace of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!!

    many many congrats bro... i completed my education in the same years as of you..here is my profile 10th 84% 12th 72% bachelors BBA 82% in 2010 got 3 years work experience my questions is if i show a certificate from my employer which states that "this person xxxx holding pakistani passport#...
  19. omi khan

    Employment certificate to show as a home tie....plz give suggestions and advice

    yes...some one please do share your ideas and suggestions..