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  1. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    Seniors, I have a MBA Degree and transcript, but transcript they gave me in 2007, when I passed out. Can I put that in a sealed envelop and send to WES? Would it work? Please guide
  2. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    Seniors, I have a MBA Degree and transcript, but transcript they gave me in 2007, when I passed out. Can I put that in a sealed envelop and send to WES? Would it work? Please guide
  3. mohitkrastogi

    Step Wise Procedures of Attestation For WES of Metric, Inter & HEC

    Seniors, I have a MBA Degree and transcript, but transcript they gave me in 2007, when I passed out. Can I put that in nsealed envelop and send to wES? Would it work? Please guide
  4. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    Any idea , What is the fee under Express Entry. Is it same as FSWP $550 per person?
  5. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    I have done IELTS for Spouse. but ECA is pending has to initiate. I am having 350 points around.. Do we have any chance as guidelines are so tough.. I am very unhappy about this..
  6. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    Dear All, I am planning for Express Entry. I have done ECA,IELTS Can I go ahead and do ECA for spouse too? Or can we do ECA for spouse in later, please guide pros and cons
  7. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    am preparing for Express Entry for that just came to know that ECA has to be done for Spouse. I have following docuemnts of my Spouse in INDIA 1. Transcript of Master Degree (M.Com) 2. Photocopy of Degree 3. Transcript of Bachelor Degree (B.Com) 4. Photo copy of Degree She has also done MBA...
  8. mohitkrastogi

    wes timeline

    WES I am preparing for Express Entry for that just came to know that ECA has to be done for Spouse. I have following docuemnts of my Spouse in INDIA 1. Transcript of Master Degree 2. Photocopy of Degree 3. Transcript of Bachelor Degree 4. Photo copy of Degree Do I require anyother...
  9. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    Please guide me on Transferable Factor under Express Entry
  10. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    How did you calculate SKILL Transferability.. Please guide
  11. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    How did you calculate SKILL Transferability.. Please guide
  12. mohitkrastogi


    Not able to understand SKILL TRANSFERABILITY COMBOS Please guide
  13. mohitkrastogi

    2173 Applicants who applied after Aug 12, 2014 - Join here

    Please sene me your email address.. need to discuss how to apply for EE
  14. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    Under which NOC you are...Also how did you calculate please share information
  15. mohitkrastogi

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    Please tell us.. how to calculate point for EE.? It seems like their is no weightage for Foreign Work Experience. Please guide !!! Please guide!!!
  16. mohitkrastogi

    Capped!Capped!!Capped!!!First Profession capped under FSW 2014

    Total Applications Received at CIC 1000 Total Applications Received 461 Could you please explain? Shouldn't be both same?
  17. mohitkrastogi

    All who sent FSW applications in Oct2014..join here to share timelines..Thanks

    My application reached on 20th October, when can I expect the return package as capped had fileld.
  18. mohitkrastogi

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    On which number you called .. please share.