Hi Good news for me today. May 9 Applicant | SA 3rd October | MEDICAL And BIO 4th October | Biometric 9th October | Medical passed 23rd October | File Transfer 1st November to NDVO | Processing start ECAS 13 November | Ghost Update 6th December |7th December Prearrival...
Hi I need urgent help from you your email of interview received by you sponsor or your husband principal applicant ??? Do you have gc account ??? Please reply
This is my time line for my daughter certificate application reacived 10th may 2019 at New Delhi high commison . On 6th June 2019 application reached from New Delhi to nova scotia . AOR received on 14th August 2019 and nothing after that still waiting .........
Hi bro I belongs to gujarat I just wanna know that your wife also second marriage with you like you have done second marriage with you ????? You both have have second marriage or only you have second marriage ??
I read in one thread they do not sent physically file package they transfer only e system like gcms that's why they asked photos many applicants during interview .....
Hi guys can you please tell me in my gc key shows we are processing your background if we need more information will inform you .. what's the meaning of my file is with NDVO are they commence background check after eligibility complete???? Is this positive sign