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  1. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    PPR : 12 February ;) Passport Sent: 14 February (Saturday) Passport received by CIC: 16 February (Monday) Waiting fro passports.
  2. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    RPRF will come from CPC-Ottawa, and you may able to pay online and send receipt via email.
  3. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    I'm MArch 31st Applicant. Got IP from January 15th. Still no any update.
  4. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    Got IP from January 15. :o I'm Ontario PNP, and now it is processing at CPC-Ottawa.
  5. shyamDadi

    implied status inquiry

    No, PNP need to complete their process to issue you with a supporting letter. We also tried to get a supporting letter while they process, but Ontario PNP won't give you. But it worth to try. I'm Ontario PNP applicant and had implied status for more than 2 months. But I do not have idea about...
  6. shyamDadi

    Online Visitor Application-Outside Canada

    Hi, One of my friend is going to apply through online for outside Canada visitor visa application. He lives in Sri Lanka. So when someone apply through online, where will be this application processed (in CPC-Ottawa or where)? Thanks
  7. shyamDadi

    implied status inquiry

    Hi Bholl, My work permit was expires 2013 Oct 24th and I've applied for extension before 3 days from expiration. It took me 2 months and 3-4 days to send back my rejection letter. It will depend on the current processing time. Visit here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/temp.asp...
  8. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    Don't worry. You will get your PR way before your work-permit expiration. But somehow our PR process delayed, you have to apply for an open work permit under Bridging Work Permit stream. You just need to provide copy of your PNP certificate (review eligibility parameters ...
  9. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    For RPRF: You must send the receipt to CPP-O. For fastest service, please attach it to an email and send it to the address CPPO-Cost-Recovery@cic.gc.ca . You do not need to do anything with Medical. Doctor will send everything directly to CPC-Ottawa.
  10. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    They called me few months ago, and asked about my status, job and current residency. They need to know whether we are going to reside in Ontario or Not. I'm not sure about why they asking about current job and wages, night be ensure candidates financial stability. Anyhow it was quick...
  11. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    I'm in Ontario, and applied PR using PNP.
  12. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    I'm March 31st applicant. Still not IP. :(
  13. shyamDadi

    March 2014 AINP PR application submitted to Sydeny, NS CIO Tracker

    Hi Guys, I applied on 31st March. Hopefully next month we will receive IP.
  14. shyamDadi

    March - April PNP PR Batch :)

    My application was received by 31st March, 2014 and still I didn't get IP. It look like they now finalizing Nov/Dec applications. So exactly not sure how may months, but it will be end of December for PPR for April applicants (just rough estimation according to regression). Do not worry about...
  15. shyamDadi

    implied status inquiry

    You can't extent SIN card, but it will valid through your implied status period (Refer: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sin/employers/expiry.shtml). But unfortunately your health card cannot use within this period. Either you have to purchase Visitor to Canada health insurance, or you have...
  16. shyamDadi

    implied status inquiry

    I usually fill that form, which includes UCI, Birthday, Address, and Telephone No.
  17. shyamDadi

    Anyone having problem sending email to CIO-Sydney-Search-Enquiry@cic.gc.ca

    Re: Anyone having problem sending email to CIO-Sydney-Search-Enquiry @ cic.gc.ca You are welcome.
  18. shyamDadi

    implied status inquiry

    So this is the story. Basically if your work permit is going to expire and if you do not have any supporting document in hand to get a work permit, your workpermit application will be rejected by CIC. After recieve your rejection letter/email you need to stop working and need to restore your...
  19. shyamDadi

    implied status inquiry

    Yes, you have to contact PNP office. They should send you a supportive letter, if your nomination has been approved. This process called "Bridging Open Work Permit", and here you can find more information. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/2012-12-17.asp...