Lyo bai mitro te sajno, by GOD'S grace, finally got PER.
App recd date:23/07/2014
DD encashed: Pta ni (date not known)
One step closer to become "PAKKE CANADA WAALE"
Saareyan da bahut bahut dhanwaad.
Seniors plz. Update ss
I think you we will be in cap.Initially cic cleared good no. of apps but with the time applications has been slowed down in 2132.from june 16 to july 10,cic got only 150 apps. compared to 376 from may to june 16th.Current cap update is 532 apps till july 10th.
Guys why cic is not updating their site for no. Of applications cleared. ??? Last update was in 30th sep. Usually they do every week.Any idea why they are delaying??
It is not the wrong information.Dont just go by ss.In general the actual no. Of applications are much higher than the ss because it is followed by forum members only.