my profile is
10th 62% I.C.S.E
12th 73% P.S.E.B
and 8 lacks loan letter against FD
and paid fees of college 11,550CAD
don't know why its taking so long its over 16 days and no sing of visa????????/worried
i have submited my file on 24th jan at jalandhar for may 2013 intake
my profile is
10th 62% I.C.S.E
12th 73% P.S.E.B
and 8 lacks loan letter against FD
and paid fees of college 11,550CAD
what about u???????
@wjaz veer apan band vi 7 lae aa te college vi theek hi chuneya aa te age visa nai lagda pia te kudi da vi jugad laoun dae aan hun ki banda eah rab hi janda
i have submited my file on 24th jan at jalandhar and what u think when likely i will get visa for may 2013 intake
my profile is
10th 62% I.C.S.E
12th 73% P.S.E.B
and 8 lacks loan letter against FD
and paid fees of college 11,550CAD
what r my chances yaar 1day waiting is like...
@aman singh i have showed 8 lacks of loan and my profile is
IELTS 7.0 bands
10th 62% I.C.S.E
12TH 73% P.S.E.B
and showed my property income
paid 1year fee
and i have applied on 24th jan 2013 and haven't got visa yet its over 12days
what u say???????
count me in
my profile
10th 62% I.C.S.E
12th 73% P.S.E.B
showing 8 lack loan
and already applied on 24th jan 2013
applying to columbia college vancouver
what about my chances of visa guys???? :(
i have submited my file on 24th jan at jalandhar and what u think when likely i will get visa for may 2013 intake
my profile is
10th 62% I.C.S.E
12th 73% P.S.E.B
and 8 lacks loan letter against FD
and paid fees of college 11,550CAD
@enfield i have submited my file on 24th jan at jalandhar and what u think when likely i will get visa for may 2013 intake
my profile is
10th 62% I.C.S.E
12th 73% P.S.E.B
and 8 lacks loan letter against FD
and paid fees of college 11,550CAD
@winie yes buddy its a simple test they take ur urin test, blood test, ur chest x-ray,eye sight test, and a doctor will ask u some simple questions like u have diabties , blood pressure problems etc>>>>>>>>