But is it not possible for you to request a newly dated and printed transcript from your university?
If yes, then that is the only way possible. Your university must create a newly dated transcript and mail it to pebc address.
1.PEBC application deadline is stated in the website (www.pebc.ca) check the "Examination Date and Fees" menu of the website.
2. You will visit your university and request for your official transcript to be mailed to pebc official address (also stated in the website).
3.Yes you can print the...
My suggestion is: Immediately you are able to renew your license, communicate with PEBC and NAPRA via email containing your license details and status.
The normal duration is 8 weeks after pebc acknowledgement of receiving all documents. But it seems they now use 10weeks or alittle more (depending on the traffic of applicants).
Be patient alittle more. I'm sure yours is still in progress.
Hi Colleagues
I got another mail from pebc towards the late hours of yesterday.
The content of the mail was "Your document evaluation will be completed in 10 business days and your results letter will be sent at that time".
Mine is approximately 9 weeks now.
Yesterday I sent an email to pebc, and Renee replied saying "Your evaluation is still in progress".
Lets be patient and wait. I will update everyone as we progress.
I'm happy connecting with other international pharmacists in this thread.
We can assist each other through the process of pebc.
Mine is 8 weeks +10 days now.
I hope to get my document evaluation letter soon.
I suggest you send the new address to pebc via email. They will respond within 48hours and they will update your new address into your file.
I am an international pharmacist, currently waiting for pebc to mail my Document Evaluation letter.
Thanks for your reply.
But PLEASE I have another question. What are those documents/requirements i should ensure I put in place to avoid rejection of my application?
Thank you very much.