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  1. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    hi suin any news on ur case?
  2. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    is pcc have expiry date like medical?
  3. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    did u send pcc to cpc-m from ur parents.
  4. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    can u tell wht is list of courses ur sis done.and wht is age of ur bro and sis.
  5. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    wht is the conclusion of this long email.
  6. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    hey buddy u applied in june 2010 so u have complete ur 40 months now u can call cic and ask them when u will send document required.because the processing time on cic website is also 40 months
  7. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    try to call cic dear.and plz ask one question from my side when they will send document request to next batch.plz if u can
  8. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    its so strange that u applied in jan 2011 and u got doc request. cic still doing work on before may 2010 files.m also from sept 2010 and waiting for doc request. can u clear my mind plz
  9. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    think u got visa soon before medical expire. wht is ur timeline
  10. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    hey tp u got document request in oct but u aplied in 2008.whts problem in ur file plz share.
  11. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    means ur pernts didn't send any documents to lvo.?
  12. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    plz tell me that u got all papers and forms from ur prents on email and send to cpc -m.or ur perents send pcc or forms to lvo nd from india?
  13. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    congtrats buddy.I have question does u send ur dependent full time study prove to lvo.
  14. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    so will u go for complain lvo to mp
  15. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    .they are trying to bring young family's first dependents under is NOW not at time of application. can u clearify the above line regarding dependents plz
  16. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    plz tell me wht is age of dependent at the time of applied.and wht courses he/she doing.
  17. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    wht the mean of this video.its related with parents spounshrship?
  18. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    my sis sponsored in 2010.so wht is min income required at tht time
  19. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    help. my sis spounserd us 5 members. and she have 2 members and 2 childs. so tell me how much min.income should she have to approved
  20. E

    parents sponsership joine here

    but pcc should send from parents sida na? than how can u send it from canada.plz clear my mind