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  1. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    I am October 29 applicant, no CC charge yet.... I tried to call them .... they tell nothing.... I wrote them a month ago... no answer.... If you try call them , it will be very good... let us know if you have any info... Good Luck
  2. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    Happy to hear that!!!! Wow, congratulation!!!!!! Good luck to you and hope our noc all applicants will be also charged soon !!!
  3. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    When was his CC or DD charged??? Do you have that information?
  4. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    At that moment no one can tell you as the October applicants are still waiting to be charged....
  5. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    Well, thanks a lot!! Anyway first of all lets hope that the noc is not capped :))
  6. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    I am also a marketing specalist and work for intenational Bank... Does it mean that I am not eligible for that noc???????????? >:(
  7. L

    All who sent FSW applications in Oct2014..join here to share timelines..Thanks

    On which email did you write and when?? don't they send back the application in such cases???
  8. L

    All who sent FSW applications in Oct2014..join here to share timelines..Thanks

    same here >:( >:( >:( >:( Oct 29. noc 1123 ......... very stressfull month ....
  9. L

    NOC 1123 / 1111 / 2132 / 4011... Any one recent charging please update here

    I tried to cal them, but they tell nothing.... please someone else try to do that...may be you will be able to get any information on our NOC..... Thanks
  10. L

    FSW 2014, Mechanical Engineers, NOC 2132 applicants - Lets Network Here

    Chinese forum http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.in&sl=zh-CN&u=http://www.yiminjiayuan.com/thread-163964-1-1.html
  11. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    Helena, I am sure something much more better is waiting for you in the future. You will be even happy that it happened. I have one more question. I read that they will refund the fee. Is my understanding correct???? Do they refund it in such cases?????
  12. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    OMG :((((((((( I am so sorry to hear that. really very sorry............. that is terrible. We all are not reserved from such kind of news............ Helena can I kindly ask you to share the duties which were wtitten in your reference letter ??? Thanks in advance ..
  13. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    Hi, I am also NOC 1123, October 29 applicant. I think we should wait a little. No other option. Please let me know if you have any news. Good luck to us!!
  14. L

    NOC 2011 : 1123 (Professionals In Advertising, Marketing...) Please network here

    That is good, but they answer the e-mails very late. I wrote them on december 16 about my application. no answer yet :(