koi menu dasso yar kayian da status change hoya ke ... Passport Dispatched te mera va PP released by CGC and In Transit
ki farak aa dowa vich ???? please daso
okay but i am still m scared !! :(
bro i was waiting and today i called through mobile to VFS and t i request them to process my application faster but they just told me the status of my application that was under processing and they also told that drop an email and request them to do faster...
Hey ALL !!
What does this mean , " Passport released by the Consulate General Of Canada, SCO, 54-55-56, SECTOR 17A, CHANDIGARH, Pin:160017, Tel: on 21/08/2013 and is in Transit."
my status just changed at 4:15 Pm
and one thing more, when you will go to bank, don't forget to carry your Letter of acceptance and passport. After transferring your fee to your college's account, bank will give you memo (temporary receipt). Tell them (bank employees) to mention your Student ID, Passport number and Date of...
you can submit fees by Telegraph Transfer (TT) also known as Wire Transfer. You can do it from your bank. For this, you need TT details of your college account. You should email to your college to get TT details, also send your student id and other details as mentioned on Letter of Acceptance of...
oh balle !! congrats brother .. :D passport kinne waje te kithe aayaa te naale ticket kado di karwani aa hun ??
naale baii menu ph number dayi jithe tu call keeti si, mai vi karda kal call Chandigarh
well, i think senior staff is not working and junior staff is doing their job without having any much experience. They don't want to take any risk and rejecting visas for small reasons. We need senior staff here with their full experience. I think so ...
hey bro, as you said 'If you have got your GIC now, you can re-apply with same GIC even if you change your program ' and as per i know, you can't file again in SPP if you already rejected and reapplying with GIC means reapplying under SPP ? :o