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  1. C

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Disregard the police certificates line.Dont hold your hopes up.It will be a while before you get ppr.Sign the petition,at least we have a chance with it http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/forgotten-buffalo-apllicants/
  2. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    Well i dont know the exact number of applicant,so approximately i put it at 2000.200 signatures is because that is how many we will be able to get at the most.not tht many People are signing it.dont forget we can only get signatures of those people who are on this forum. Last buffalo got 1500...
  3. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    Anyways, we need 70 signatures.Tell your friends, families, coworkers to sign the petition.As soon as we get 200 intend to send 3 actual LETTERS by mail.One directly to immigration,another to Kennys office and final third to immigration critique(forgot her name) Also i am trying to contact...
  4. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    This is rediculous!So they are issuing ppr to december,january applicants-which means they are NOT on strike.But i am pretty sure they will tell us that this delay has been caused in part by strike actions.Also i read a comment from ansolute zero: Dear Sir/Madam, This is in reply to your email...
  5. C

    Please share timeline for people who sent their file in March 2012

    i have uploaded pdf version of our petition with signatures and comments.It is an interesting read.And dont forget your information is completely annonimous. http://www.2shared.com/document/RVh91DUC/forgotten-buffalo-apllicants_2.html? Check it out.Thanks goes to those who wrote comments, stories.
  6. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    i have uploaded pdf version of our petition with signatures and comments.It is an interesting read.And dont forget your information is completely annonimous. http://www.2shared.com/document/RVh91DUC/forgotten-buffalo-apllicants_2.html? Check it out.Thanks goes to those who wrote comments, stories.
  7. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    Hi guys! We have already 109 signatures.so approximately 81 to go. If anyone could somehow find out how many of us are waiting i waould then edit our petition. Also if you have comments, or suggestion i'll be happy to introduce them into our petition.It can easily be edited
  8. C

    PR Application through BC PNP, BATCH APRIL 2012

    dont you feel a little bit frusterated that they have already started processing december?
  9. C

    PR Application through BC PNP, BATCH APRIL 2012

    they asked everyone to pay rprf but it doesnt mean they wont make you wait another 3-5 months,which will put you at 16-18 months
  10. C

    PR Application through BC PNP, BATCH APRIL 2012

    they still dont matter much.they wont process us within 14 months.Probably 16 or more
  11. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    Please help me send this petition to newspapers in Ottawa and Toronto.Well actually to any newspaper youcan get hold of. We already have 51 signature,but we need more. If we sit and do nothing than they will make us wait another year
  12. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    Your signatures are completely anonymous.In the comments section please write your personal stories,how This waiting has effected your life.You dont have to include your personal details http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/forgotten-buffalo-apllicants/
  13. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    For newcomers this is the petition to be signed http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/forgotten-buffalo-apllicants/ Good people,good!Only a couple of hours and we already have 40 signatures.We gotta get at least 200 to attract attention
  14. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    If anyone could get hold of old qeubeqers and ask them what else they did to attract attention that would be great.I believe they have a group on facebook
  15. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    Read old quebeqers petition http://www.petitions24.net/les_oublies_de_buffalo We need a lot of signatures
  16. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    If quebeqers hadnt gone with the protest last winter they would still be waiting for their PR. But as you can see there practically none of them here. They are enjoying being a pr
  17. C

    PNP File Transfer To CIO Sydney, Nova Scotia - December/ January

    Would be awesome if someone could promote it on facebook http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/forgotten-buffalo-apllicants/
  18. C

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    I have compiled the petition for the Buffalo Forgotten Applicants.Now all we need to do is to collect as many signatures as possible and spread the word.You dont need to write your actual name or email if you are afraid in some way,JUST SIGN IT.Send this link to every person who might sign...
  19. C

    federal Timelines share for QSW sydney applicants - file CPP-Ottawa

    I have compiled the petition for the Buffalo Forgotten Applicants.Now all we need to do is to collect as many signatures as possible and spread the word.You dont need to write your actual name or email if you are afraid in some way,JUST SIGN IT.Send this link to every person who might sign...
  20. C

    PR Application through BC PNP, BATCH APRIL 2012

    I have compiled the petition for the Buffalo Forgotten Applicants.Now all we need to do is to collect as many signatures as possible and spread the word.You dont need to write your actual name or email if you are afraid in some way,JUST SIGN IT.Send this link to every person who might sign...