Currently BC pnp is closed for all the stream except health and medical professionals. It will open in 2016 with new point based system.yes, you can extend work permit with pnp nomination.
Express Entry PNP Addendum is different process than regular express pnp. It is little longer process, give or take one month more than express entry pnp....
I sent them two pages of explantion letter with my gcms notes last thursday.Today they sent me email from ottawa cpc with passport request letter.
I am going to send them case specifc inqury next week about this situations and will attach the gcms note with it. I am gonna wait this week if anything happens...
What does it mean? I havent recieved PPR yet , rest of notes are just a general information..
Valid To: 2016/01/04
Province(s) of Interest: BC
ASSESSMENTS Eligibility: Passed
Criminality: Passed
Org Crime:
Medical: Passed...
Thanks , good luck to you too.. I ordered gcms note last month probally will get it in couple of days. If it says approved, then i wil also send them scanned copy of the notes...
I am experiencing the same thing. exactly same freaking thing. first they told me that they send the passport request letter on my mailing address due to incorrect email address. I waited 10 days and called them today. The agent told me today that no letter has been sent and they updated my new...
Hii guys, no ppr yet, Due to incorrect email address, my file has been delayed. I sent couple of case inquiry to update my email address. I called the agent today, he said new email has been update, now just waiting to hear from cic....
Points roberts would be the closest border. Take a ferry from duke point naniamo to tawassen then its like 10,20 minutes drive from tawassen ferry terminal. I heard some people says they dont do immigration landing. However, I have seen some applicatants from this forum who have done their "...