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  1. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    Guyss .. one awesome news .. just got my fees en-cashed .. Application received: 7th Nov Fees Encashment: 17th Jan
  2. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    I got the link .. but its not a direct link to forum .. so let me if i can get someone's help to decode ..
  3. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    So who decoded the info that it was charged for 4th and 17th Nov applicant ? Any one has link to authenticate .. or its just a random rumor? Yes .. I have a lot of people around who knows Chinese
  4. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    17th November is strange .. because there are many applicants here in between which haven't been charged .. 4th November is still understandable
  5. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    no one is charged according to Spreadsheet after 30th october
  6. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    I am 7th Nov application and I am not charged as of now ..
  7. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    My application reached on 7th Nov .. my CC was not charged as of yesterday .. The Cap seems closed
  8. Hongkong2012

    Help required in CES assessment service

    Processing will only start once all the documents will reach at CES. Add 15 weeks to that date
  9. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    HI, My Application was received on 7th November. I am optimistic just by looking at the numbers .. 353 is till around 10-15th of July .. So it means that average number of applications per month are around 150 .. So it should take around 6-7 months to get the capped requirement .. which is...
  10. Hongkong2012

    Comparative Education Assessment (CES)

    Everyone who is worried about getting their ECA, Should call CES and specifically ask them on what date were their documents completed and which date's documents they are currently processing. My documents were completed on 29th July. Date on ECA: 24th Oct Unofficial copy: 29th Official copy...
  11. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    Actually there was an estimated timeline in the spread sheet and its not there anymore .. it gave a pretty good idea about the quota ..
  12. Hongkong2012

    Express Entry 2015 Preparation Join Here !!!

    Hi I have just applied for FSW under catagory 2133. I am not sure if my application will in time within quota. So I am also preparing for EE 2015 as almost all the documents are ready. I want to know does anyone have information that FSW and EE can be applied in parallel? my application...
  13. Hongkong2012

    Comparative Education Assessment (CES)

    Hi Guys .. For everyone's help .. Here is my timeline for CES Main Application reached: 24th July, 2014 Payment deducted: 25th July, 2014 Master's Documents reached from University: 28th July, 2014 Bachelor's Documents reached from University: 29th July, 2014 Unofficial ECA released on: 29th...
  14. Hongkong2012

    Comparative Education Assessment (CES)

    Great Mine is Application dispatched: 9th July Fees charged: 25th July Application completed (documents reached directly from universities): 29th July Unofficial result email: Waiting Official result received: Waiting
  15. Hongkong2012

    FSW 2014 - 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers connect here

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post in this forum. I am an Electrical and Electronic Engineer working in top Fortune 20 company as System Automation and Controls Engineer since 2 years. I mostly work on PLC Programming and Controls systems programming, HMIs, Operations and Controls Support in...
  16. Hongkong2012

    CES and ICAS

    Hi I have heard that CES doesnt require Inter docs, and we can send verified transcripts from university only .. is it true .. can you confirm ?