I just received my notes. Criminality is still in progress as I had not include PCC in my initial application. Security not started. And the bad new : My file is at CPC-O Program Integrity. :(
Does anyone have similar experience with Program Integrity ?
I did not order any notes for a long time. In my last notes, nothing was stared. My file was just transferred to CPC-O. I have sent an email to ATIP. I will let you know as soon as I get my notes.
Guys, I received my third line in just one week. Last week on Wednesday, I took medical examinations and Today my third line appeared. Thanks to Dr. Garret from Kitchener. It definitely worth the drive from Toronto. :) Highly recommended.
Guys, I received my third line in just one week. Last week on Wednesday, I took medical examinations and Today my third line appeared. Thanks to Dr. Garret from Kitchener. It definitely worth the drive from Toronto. :)