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  1. Zelda82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    i dont think one needs to have a 2nd AOR or RBVO date to be IN PROCESS. though it would be nice to receive em as heads up. and yes, its not uncommon to get a visa in less than 6 mos nowadays. i know someone from manila who got her visa in 4 months time. end to end. shes a doctor. she didnt get...
  2. Zelda82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    i have been browsing thru the spreadsheet of post 6/26 applicants. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CLDXsFAgid%3D0&key=0AiJy8Qu8lcQbdGxiSnNhME5sVi1uRlZtUWNhOEFwemc&hl=ar&authkey=CLDXsFAgid%3D0#gid=0 I looked into their "eCAS status" and "eCAS Status Date Last Updated". All of...
  3. Zelda82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    this is outrageous lol. i dont know if i should be happy or not. come to think of it, the CIC website says that IN PROCESS: Based on review of your complete application package, it has been determined that your application is eligible for processing. Processing has begun. It doesnt...
  4. Zelda82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Is CIC using first class mail for our applications? If so, there MIGHT be a chance that our status turning to IN PROCESS today is for real. Hope this is not a glitch. might as well savor it for the moment.... Im IN PROCESS as of Oct9!!!! Yipeee!!!! ;D
  5. Zelda82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    mine too changed a few hours ago to In Process. This is weird. i think they should create another status "In Transit" to avoid confusion lol
  6. Zelda82


    MI3 applicants had started pouring into the visa offices. some of them getting 2nd PER in a couple of weeks. Is it true that the most recent applicants will be given priority?
  7. Zelda82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    you need a detailed job description. certificates of employment simply wont do.
  8. Zelda82

    Canada Struggling to deal with Backlog

    This seem to be a wild idea but.... i think canada should just return all the applications that got caught in the backlog in the past years since they no longer "reflect" the job market's needs (which is the main driving force of the FSW category). most of them i know already want to move on...
  9. Zelda82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    i came from a JCI accredited hospital and i submitted my certificate of employment which is 2 pages long, and my job description which is 5 pages long. the description was very extensive and was not copied from the NOC description. Maybe you can create your job own description and propose it to...
  10. Zelda82

    FILIPINO NURSES applying for CNO REGISTRATION ONLY - English and Tagalog posts

    how many months does it take to get eligibility to sit the RPN exam? and how long does it take to get your license as RPN? does it take more than a year to register as RN? :o i already got my PER and i want to take the RPN exam right after i land.... any advice would be much appreciated!
  11. Zelda82

    3152 appications after August lets hook up here.

    no way of telling if my bd got charged... i got my PER though. last sep30 ;D
  12. Zelda82

    Court case against CIC for pre 2008 applicants

    in my opinion, some lawyers are just taking advantage of the situation, knowing that they can make money out of these frustrated people. i believe the backlog will clear up eventually. that is the goal of this whole FSW cap of 500. And there's also the possibility of not accepting applicants for...
  13. Zelda82

    Suspension of Federal Skilled worker Program

    What does "SUSPENSION" mean? Will they stop accepting applicants for this year? next year? or will they hold all processing of current applicants??? :o *panic attack*
  14. Zelda82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Im from NOC 3152. CIO received my app Jul8.... and I just got my PER a few seconds ago! :D :D :D
  15. Zelda82

    FILIPINO NURSES applying for CNO REGISTRATION ONLY - English and Tagalog posts

    guys, kumusta naman ang job market for nurses dyan? meron bang openings? toronto area naman ako laland in the future *cross fingers*
  16. Zelda82

    FILIPINO NURSES applying for CNO REGISTRATION ONLY - English and Tagalog posts

    paulferrer and PiRN, wow thanks for those wonderful replies! i wish u guys a great time in canada ;D
  17. Zelda82

    FILIPINO NURSES applying for CNO REGISTRATION ONLY - English and Tagalog posts

    hi guys! im a 2nd courser RN. my 1st course was comsci for 4 years then RN for 2 years. PDN for 1.5 years then OR-RR nurse for 2.5 years in a JCI accredited hospital. no masters. i have several questions lang po... 1. based on my credentials, will i be eligible to take the exam or will i need...
  18. Zelda82

    3152 Registered Nurse category

    Will time spent working as an LPN help in any way when registering for RN? i have a 4yr degree in computer science and took BSN for 2 years. I spent 1.5 years as a private duty nurse and 2.5 years as an OR-RR nurse for a JCIA accredited hospital. Given that there is no more BET, will CNO grant...
  19. Zelda82

    3152 appications after August lets hook up here.

    I am a july8 applicant for 3152 and here's CICs reply to my inquiry as of sept15: Good Morning, Your application was received by our office and is currently awaiting assessment. You will be contacted in due course. Thank you D.A. if u take the website literally, u make it into the...
  20. Zelda82

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    I received a reply from CIO: RE: Status of Application FROM: CIO-Sydney-Search-Enquiry Wednesday, September 14, 2011 11:15 PM TO: Zelda82 Good Morning Your file has been received by our office and is currently awaiting initial review. You will be contacted in due course. Thank you...