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  1. C


    Is there a minimum score that they are targeting, ie 425 or 450 ? has anyone heard anything along those lines ?
  2. C

    Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst ("CAIA") exams = any points for CRS ?

    Hi Guys, Does anyone know if the "Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst" Exams carry any weight in CRS ?
  3. C

    Apparently CIC will only do a few more rounds of invites...

    Read it as well there isn't any thing new in this article. The target numbers are stated clearly on the website so lets not be alarmist unless there is a radical piece of info that this whole entire forum has missed.
  4. C


    The question remains, how are people so certain about the numbers in the pool. Pool changes everyday with new people joining etc. I'm just trying to understand how people can make such confident statements about the number of people at each points level. Is there a site I can go to that gives...
  5. C


    Hi guys just a general question. How do you know this stuff? My understanding is that there is no way of knowing how many people in the pool let alone how many people at each level of points. For all we know there are 30,000 between 425 and 452?
  6. C

    Draw 7 coming soon

    General question to all those who have had their profiles accessed / updated by CIC, can you share what points you are on so we can an idea what numbers CIC is looking at. I am on 419 so hoping for mid May selection.
  7. C

    Correct pool model & decent statistical predictions for the next draws

    I read rumors of 425 ...don't know the details but it's counterintuitive to stop at 450 or 425. Why let all of us into the pool only to put a minimum higher. It doesn't make sense to waste all these people's time. If they only wanted 450s and above they would not have allowed some of us in (I'm...
  8. C

    Is 425 the Minimum Score Overall??

    Has anyone else come across the talk that the floor on the score or minimum score will stop at 425 ? I am just below that on 419 ?
  9. C

    Why Canada Needs Immigrants

    Incase you were also wondering: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dCm6HT-HMs&sns=em
  10. C

    Required Proof of Funds

    Proof of Funds. Acceptable Proof of funds are: - Bank accounts in your name or the name of your accompanying spouse/common-law partner; - Cash-able investments in your name or the name of your accompanying spouse/common-law partner; - Cash-able fixed deposits in your name of the name of your...
  11. C


    My attorney said same thing about only getting paid after ITA but reckons we will be at 400pts by June. Fingers crossed. Good luck everyone
  12. C


    I'm on 419. I'm curious as to why your attorney thinks it's will only get to low 400s in September? Did they give more reasons for that view. The quantities are too low to meet the 100,000 target. If they want to get 100,000 people through the system they need more draws and to move much...
  13. C

    seventh & eighth Draw in April. Expecting 400+ will get ITA

    Cool My Predictions for 7th Round 8) Date of Draw :: 10th April 2015 CRS Cut-off Score :: 433 No of ITA Issued :: 2000 My Predictions for 8th Round ;D Date of Draw :: 17th April 2015 CRS Cut-off Score :: 413 No of ITA Issued :: 2500 Look forward to hearing all of your predictions !!!
  14. C

    Predictions for 7th Draw :: Dates of Draw | CRS Cut-off Score | No of ITA Issued

    8) My Predictions --> Date of Draw :: 10th April 2015 ::) CRS Cut-off Score :: 423 ;D No of ITA Issued :: 2000 ;) Let me know what is your Predictions for 7th Draw :P
  15. C

    Now Let'S start predicting about 7th draw

    I agree with this prediction. I would surprised if it's not within a 5pts range of these two predictions. Good call
  16. C

    Predictions for 6th Draw :: Dates of Draw | CRS Cut-off Score | No of ITA Issued

    Where do you get these updates from ? I called it at 455 so almost got it. Any idea what the ITAs issued number is ?
  17. C

    Predictions for 6th Draw :: Dates of Draw | CRS Cut-off Score | No of ITA Issued

    My Predictions:- 6th Draw date: 27 March 2015 Draw CRS min : 455 Draw ITAs Issued: 3000
  18. C

    Info on Tommorow's draw

    I think that's too much of a drop (ie from 481 to 417). There must be more people clustered between 430 and 480. Remember the pool increases almost every week and the decreasing CRS points trend will give more people on the fence a reason to enter the pool. I have no basis of knowing but if I...
  19. C

    Statistical estimation of EE enrty, what score @ when

    Re: Statistical estimation of EE enrty, what score @ when 8) Hi Sasha, have you updated your simulation based on the 5th Draw ?