Hi There,
My wife is an Iranian who is living with me in India since the last 2 years. Is an Indian PCC enough
for her or should she get a PCC from Iran also?
PNP is better, study this http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/summary-of-eligibility-requirements-for-all-express-entry-pnp-streams-t432937.0.html;msg5295212#msg5295212
Hi There,
I work in tech and a friend of mine is a CEO at a tech company in Ontario, he has offered me an offer letter at his firm, is it enough
to get those 50 points or do we have to hire a lawyer for an LMO?
Thanks again.
I work in tech and a friend of mine is a CEO at a tech company in Ontario, he has offered me an offer letter at his firm, is it enough
to get those 50 points or do we have to hire a lawyer for an LMO?
Hi There
I recently submitted SINP under Occupations in Demand but forgot to submit the Ethical Conduct Disclosure and
Applicant Declaration Form. Will this cause rejection of the submission? any insights on going forward with this would
be great.
Any luck on getting a BioTech Job in Van Couver, My wife is also searching for an opening in Biotech as she
as a Masters in BioTech from India. Any help/insights here would be great.
Any idea on when Ontario will restart the issuing letter of interest to candidates over CRS 400 which they stopped doing
from February this year?
Hey Pavnm,
Thanks for letting me know, I saw it on a blog yesterday that it opened but
did not expect it to close so fast. Any idea on how long it was open for?