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  1. Anada


    hmm...what concerns me is the amount of time the records will take to arrive to Immigration...too bad we couldnt pay them a personal extra as a rush. cha but i find too many down there are too nuff....they get paid to provide services, and then act as though they are doing us a favor by even...
  2. Anada


    even in Mobay for our marriage certificate...after a month to prepare it...it was lost on the back of a courier truck for another month. Absolutely careless, and fulla attitude.
  3. Anada


    lmao mines from sed place dwl
  4. Anada


    Im not!!
  5. Anada


    that exactly what im saying...from now till the end Apr 24, my hussy has that time to pick up the last hew things that are required to complete out application. I agree makes no sense rushing him...we want to make sure we have it all, and he can send it to me one time, one payment, and we're...
  6. Anada


    Thank you! thats the plan hes going in for PC Monday, then Medical following Monday....I am also have him pay the extra to have the service expedited, cause God knows employees down there can move slow as molasses when they ready. What DMP in mobay??? Please do tell. Also for Mobay, thought...
  7. Anada


    only one i saw on the CIC address, was located in Kingston... Im searching for Mobay....but near airport im sure he'll have no probs finding it...(i hope lol)
  8. Anada


    Can someone please give me the address of area, of the Police Station in Mobay where he can go have the police record check done, and fingerprints.? My hubby not from Bay...but that is his neighbouring parish that offers the services we need. Thank u!!
  9. Anada


    i do man i trust u guys...hmm... yes that form i sent him along with the others for signature, giving clear instruction that he is to take it with him when doing the medical. ...but suppose i sent him the wrong one, can they not provide him with a form there?? I also sent him something he is...
  10. Anada


    if my package has already been sent in, can i send it in same way??...separetely?
  11. Anada


    dwl bullit bullit a mobay yuh seh.....Salem allll di way. Alright good to know...being thorough is what im striving for over here too....signatures ( i was tempted to forge to speed things up, but yuh done know i want peace of mind in knowing EVERYTHING is legit!!). As I all all everything...
  12. Anada


    hmmm also im applying from Canada, so it may take longer, than if he was to apply himself in Kingston? im still so confused about what would have been the best, or fastest approach...i WISH from the beginning we knew what we were doing, cause he would have surely been up here by now.
  13. Anada


    brings me some peace to know that for Canada...thc testing isnt supposed to be an issue, but no i wont tell him that... but 'some employers ask for it'?....hmmm.. i do recall one section on he application that ask if info can be shared with employers and i selected yes...thinking ' that'll...
  14. Anada


    yes congrats Mrslwsn...that's pretty amazing. Gives me hope.
  15. Anada


    thanks guys..............*exhale as for the parties no sah.....ive been to enough with him already...when we were first an item..cha females used to circle us (him) plenty...and it used to make me feel to pick up rocks and bottles!! ive have seen enough to KNOW what i dont want him preeing...
  16. Anada


    **venting done**
  17. Anada


    i have no issues with the parties...as lonh as im present....thats my only rule... as for the healing tree....have no issues there either....I dont make up the rules CIC does!! I wonder if CIC knew how my sanity was slowly going down the tube...i WONDER if they'd give me a bly. If they could...
  18. Anada


    Hi everyone, Sorry to barge in, or cause in derailment....but I am so frustrated. I need to vent...to ppl who dont know me...or my s/o. I need to vent without judgment. I think i perhaps am being overly frustrated with my husband.... I do have faith in him...but i have NO clue...how on earth...
  19. Anada


    Good morning everyone~ Question: Can my hussy go to a police station in Mobay to do his police record, and prints?? Or is it Kingston he has to go. in other words: is there anywhere closer than Kingston to get these things done? Thank in advance for replies.
  20. Anada


    Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone! Feels good to be here...almost like a waiting support group...cause God knows...noy everyone can relate to these Immigration issues, escpecially on a sponsorship level, in terms of the emotional rollercoasters we have to rife during the whole process...