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  1. P

    PAKISTAN APPLICANTS -----26/6/10 TO 30/06/11---- CONNECT HERE !!!!!

    have noticed so many applicants address reappear today including mine. I have send email regarding update of ecase last week. Application start processing 14 june 2010, medical and RPRf done in aprail 2010, additional doc. requested sep. now waiting for PR
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    applicants waiting for PPR from London VO

    Hi All After additional doc. request in Nov. my address disappear today. waiting for good news:::::::::::::::::::;
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    My Address disappeared today - Nov 1st 2011

    Hi shazia my address disappear today as well. iam waiting for PPR
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    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    hi guys anybody can plz tell me about my time frame; my status is as follows We received your application for permanent residence on August 4, 2009. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on September 24, 2009. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us...
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    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    but dear iam not residing in pakistan and send my application directly to VO london.Before i was in London now in KSA
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    applicants waiting for PPR from London VO

    MY VO is london and iam not residing in pakistan
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    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

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    Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London

    hi guys iam prejune applicant 2009, done medical n RPRF in arail 2011, than requested again new generic form with police certificate cos of change of country, any idea when should i will be requested for PR, and what is PPR1 n 2
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    applicants waiting for PPR from London VO

    hi medical n RPRF d :Done in aprai :Dl 2011, PCC and new generic form as additional document requested in nov 2011. Wht it means by PPR1
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    hi dreaming can u plz tell me from where i should translate my pcc for canada
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    Saudi Arabia based Applicant

    hi guys, i recieved letter from cic for PCC , unfortunately i give it somebody to do it, but lost the original PCC form which i have to show to ministry to foreign affairs for verification, i have photo copy of it, can i use photocopy to verify from ministry of foreign affairs. As i have only...
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    hi guys i have query regarding filling IMM0008 form , in Q 11 regarding travelling, shall i have to mention my visit during vacation, as i had been travel to dubai more than three times sometime only for week or three days and travelled to uk n pk as well. plz clear me about it
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    Hi guys , I have query regarding additional doc.am prejune 2010 done medical +RPR in Aprail 2011, today recieved letter for police certificate and new IMM0008 permanent residence application form and scheudle A background declartion. I also received email two weeks ago to send only police...
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    Police Clearance Certificates

    HI Ananth B my email id is purpul_uk@yahoo.com Plz give me detail regarding PCC as CIC posted my PCC letter yesterday will recive by next week, secondly i have done my fingerprints in aprail2011 do i need to do it again 9i have copy of it) Plz ans in detail
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    where to get PCC in jeddah n how..?

    hi DR anam did u get your PCC from jeddah how long it takes, i have already done my finger print in aprail 2011 do i have to redo it again. plz ans.
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    police certificate from KSA

    Hi Elie today i received email they have change my correspondence address and sent letter today PCC,hopefully will get it next week,can u plz tell me ur experienced regarding making PCC from KSA, or can i ave ur no.if ur still in KSA.
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    police certificate from KSA

    HI elie dear i mean to say i have done my finger print not PCC, do i need to do finger print again.
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    Saudi Arabia based Applicant

    Hi to all saudi base applicant Any body have done police clearance certificate in jeddah
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    police certificate from KSA

    hi Sho i am waiting for my PR mean while they send me request for police clearnce in kSA. Medical n RPR done in Aprail 2011