We are on same track ...i got third line on my ecas on 28 sep 2012 and my landing fee dd has been encashed....so very soon we will get our visas...good luck
Same here my landing DD has been encashed 1 month ago and i am still waiting for visa....my visa office is also new delhi. According to seniers its good news because if they want to give us visa thats why they encashed landing fee...so good luck
You can apply an emergency procedure for PR card and they will issue in 10 working days but you will have to explain them the reason......may be show them your ticket.....follow the link of PR card on cic website....all information is there....
Hello everyone
I got medical request and passport request on 11 sep 2014 , done medical in 14 sep 2012 and send passport with rprf demand draft same day.....medical received line appeared on 28 sep....now how long should i expect my visa.....
hi friends i am unable to access my ECAS today........
DATE of birth and place of birth section is coming empty.
is that happening with all applicants today.......?
hi everyone
i applied in feb 2012 and got request for medical+passport+permanent resident fee on 11 sep 2012
done medical on 14 sep and sent my passport and dd of fee same day .........third line appeared on 28 sep 2012.
now waiting for visa........
hi friends
My RPLF (right of permanent residency fee)demand draft has been cashed i confirmed from the bank.
is that mean that my application has been approved because the landing fee of mine they already cashed.
please answer.