Thanks for pulling up this thread, it is exceptionally helpful. And to think, I did not even know it existed!! You are a great source of help c&b . Unfortunately, I have to WAIT to give you a + >:( >:(
YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) I am extremely happy to read this much awaited news :) :D Many congrats to you and your family. I pray that things may speed up for you now, Ameen
Hello friends, I wonder what's happening at LVO ::) ::) We haven't seen any good news in a long time now ??? I hope that this silence would be broken with a downpour of MRs, PPRs In Sha Allah
+1 from me too, with a request that please share what other essentials should we take along as everybody seems to give different and sometimes even contradictory advice.