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  1. B

    Read bad reviews about many SPP colleges, please share your experiences

    Why you want to go for a college and not a University ? Try SFU,U-Vic,Ryerson
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    Post grad certificate after Masters.

    VFS would certainly be suspicious of your intentions of coming to Canada .if you have done 'a' MA from UK and your level of English is like a grade 2 ,that would only raise the suspicion
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    Need expert review on my profile. I'd be thankful for any help.

    I dont think your profile is weak . Give emphasize on your work exp .
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    Dont Fall for College admissions

    I would say check your University ranking .If its below 500 then you should not hesitate (unless you got a better offer from any other Universities)
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    Study Permit Extension WITH Co-op Work Permit

    My earlier study/co op work permit was getting expired at 30 Mar 2016
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    Dont Fall for College admissions

    Most of the Top Universities in Canada are well recognised outside North America .So if you plan to do a Masters /PHD ,Canada is a very apt choice .
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    Dont Fall for College admissions

    Yes you need some sort of research exp to get admission into a PHD program
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    Dont Fall for College admissions

    I dont understand french properly so I would assume you are asking if its same for thesis, PHDs and researchers. The answer is its easier for people with higher education /research exp .
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    Dont Fall for College admissions

    This is my opinion as well but seeing so many college admission threads ,I thought abt sharing ;D ;D ;D ;D
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    Study Permit Extension WITH Co-op Work Permit

    I applied on Jan 11,2016 ,Got it approved by Jan 26,2016 and the sealed co-op/study permit arrived by 7 th of Feb,2016
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    Dont Fall for College admissions

    Buds , I have seen many folks around me went to college ,enrolled into some hotshot courses ,but at the end of the day they end up working mostly in odd jobs .Dont fall for college education in Canada . If your sole purpose is to Come to Canada that is another story but if you want to come to...
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    Study Permit Extension WITH Co-op Work Permit

    Do not double apply ,that may increase the time . I have applied for extension of study /work permit and it took them 13 days for them to approve .Just make sure you give every possible documents.
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    Medical Doc for Co op work permit

    Hello Guys , I am a international student ,I have arrived in Canada from India in 22 nd Aug,2014 ,Now I needed to apply to co op permit ,but I am not able to find my medical document ,which I have earlier submitted to CIC ,during visa process .I wanted to know if I have the UMI no will it be...
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    Please suggest a 6 month course.

    no 6 month diploma or certification can give u good job opportunity .
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    Funding query - SENIORS PLZZZ REPLY

    you have a separate thread I believe dont intrude in other threads with your query
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    Help needed desperately!!! Seniors please help!!

    what is ur intention behind coming to canada ,"to study " or "to work and if time permits study" if u are thinking abt later ,u cn come to canada ,flunk ur studies ,earn meager money doing part time year after year until u discover u have long abandoned ur university its always good to have...
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    Graduate certificate or MS.. Urgent help required.. :(

    @jenny Sam , u definitely should try at simon fraser
  18. B

    Is Credila Education Bank loan is valid for Canada ?

    Hi I took a loan from credila and i got visa , I applied for University category and applied online
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    PLease help anyone...please do reply to me ,please friends and respected Sir

    1.Never go for college ,always find a university that suits both your pocket and ambition 2.BC or Ontario .Please read the sticky thread By TIGER for different province's PR system "give a man food and he will remember u for a day , teach him how to get food and he will remember u for life"