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  1. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    hey sonu, I m praying for all of us..
  2. georgec522

    do the cic sends us a msg on r phone before seding the pass port

    dont worry baigammeeraali, I have applied on 18march but still waiting.. u will be informed by chc or. Vfs that ur passport has been dispatched.. u will get mail or msg in ur inbox. and one more thing it takes 15 working days so dont count holiday n saturday sunday.
  3. georgec522

    Applied for may 2013 intake still my application is under process, what 2 do??

    hey Naman, I applied on 18th march 2013 for pharmacy assistant course at niagara college. I have applied under general catagory.. whats ur profile?? when did u apply and where. which course?? hi michale I know abt u.. hope u will get ur visa soon.. I really pray for you.. may god bless all of us..
  4. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    congratulations dhilon.. its party time..
  5. georgec522

    how much time of visa one can get??

    course length + 6 months.. approximately..
  6. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    hi dhilon, I like to ask u one thing did u applied under spp or general or unit catagory?? and have u ever face rejection by chc before??
  7. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    it depends on your course length. they give u visa more six months then your course length. e.g. if ur course is 2 years you will get 2year six months visa..
  8. georgec522

    Applied for may 2013 intake still my application is under process, what 2 do??

    I have applied for study permit, for may2013 intake.. my classes r going 2 start in first week of may2013. still my application is under process, what to do?? need help..
  9. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    yes I m sure about it.. n my app is also under processing.. it takes too much time yaar..
  10. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    its system generated mail, sometimes it does not work.. so not to worry.. lots of guys who did not get mail but they got visa.. so dont worry.. everything will be fine dhilon..
  11. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    hi dhilon2626, got your passport?? any updates??
  12. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    hi dhilon did you chek your mail address?? some times they send mail to the candidate. it may be from CHC or VFS or from both as well as msg from Vfs on ur mobile number.
  13. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    I pray for you. that u get visa soon.. let us know.. and best of luck..
  14. georgec522

    do the cic sends us a msg on r phone before seding the pass port

    hey begameerali when did u applied and where? under which catagory.. share ur profile.. able 2 answer..
  15. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    hi dhilon2626, hope ur telephonic interview was good and you will get ur visa soon.. I like if u share which kind of questions they asked u?? tell me so I can make my mind to face interview. one more thing did u applied first time or second time and which catagory spp or general??
  16. georgec522

    Is there any one who applied on 18March for studdy permit??

    I have applied second time.. when did u apply. and whats ur profile..
  17. georgec522

    Any one applied on18th March 2013

    Any one who applied on 18th March 2013. I have applied on March 18 but still in under process..