A complicated app would be, 1 week whirlwind romance to marry after trip to 3rd world country, marriage unrecognized by both parents, 2 previous visa denials, oh and several outstanding charges for Human Trafficking. :o :P
So hes saying that they have altered their entire system to include more of Step 2 in Step 1. So why have some VO's actually increased their times recently? ???
Ive got a question; What would be the definition of the perfect straightforward Family Class Application, and also the opposite, a complicated application?
Im not saying its real or unreal but why should any of us be questioning posts?
Even if its not, im happy because its given me a bit of hope and excitement in an otherwise tiring, frustrating drudge of a process! Also I totally believe that CIC cherry pick the apps and push through the easy...
chickie. we realized there was a problem with our app, the day after we sent it. We sent the correct requirement off with a covering letter the next day. This is also what Leon advised.
In your position now i would be on the phone every day, and package up the certificate ready to go as soon as...
Welcome to the forum Creampop :D
Sunshine, yes its getting exciting, the march apps are coming through Ottawa well, don't know where this leaves April though. Theres no suggestion where they are being processed!?
When you start to feel the way you do about a place, it only gets worse, not better. Everything will begin to get to you, layer upon layer.
But it won't be for too much longer. You'll have your Visas soon. :-*
don't know about CIC confirmation, but all the approvals for March have been coming through Ottawa, so it has been assumed that it is the case. Ive seen approvals up to 15 march. They seem to be speedy in comparison to CIC M, who still appear to be doing the remaining late Febs!