I too got d same problem,, However my upfront medical was of wrong category .i.e EDE,,
Bt d request i hv got now is of NON EDE type,, So vl hv to get it done again,,
Hi Veritas
I am too in same situation as urs,,
Please check d TYPE of medical request,,
In my case my upfront medical was EDE type,,
but d request which i got now is NON EDE type,,
So, wot can b done?? We need to re-do medicals??
Yea I got medical request today,,
No I haven't linked it yet
Though I submitted my application vd upfront medical Bt it ws wrong,, I.e it ws ede type
The request I hv got now is fr NON EDE type
In dat case I guess vl hv to get it done again
Nuthin has happened from past 8 months,,
Dat made me withdraw my application,,
V did everything trust me every possible thing but got nothing out of it
True,, I have so far bitter experience,,
I have withdrawn my application too,, I was a January Applicant,,
Better go for Paper Based n apply in Delhi,,
AJ Singh
There was a link posted on this forum by someone which was about Problems going on in Bangalore & Chandigarh Consulate by John Mccallum,, Chandigarh being the worst hit,,(will post the link if i come across with it),, So, it is already in their notice but the main concern is that what...
Date Applied: Jan 4, 2016
Medical: Passed(March 10, 2016)
Paper or Online Application: Online
What/When NEXT???
No-one has d answer to this question!!!
Lemme tell u 1 thing I hv mailed thrice to immigration minister Mr. John Mccallum,, In response I only got acknowledgement mail,, Nuthin else
I don't know hw to withdraw it bt I vd recommend u nt to do so,, Wait fr their final decision