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  1. vini8992

    Those who are living currently in canada

    yaaaa guyz one important thing..go for any mobile any company but neva go for any contract........... this was the first lesson i was being taught by the people livng here.........
  2. vini8992

    Those who are living currently in canada

    not coouple of countries it include 45 countries
  3. vini8992

    Those who are living currently in canada

    bro of u want to call unlimited to india n to your friends in ontario go for public mobile... its a cdma phone n will cost u around $ 72 (including phone ) n den will cost u $30 per month which will include unlimited ontario calling + india calling...n if u dun wana lot to india den take simple...
  4. vini8992

    reached canada :)

    bro til now i hav found such people only dun knw abou future :P :P
  5. vini8992

    anybody is in centennial or going to centennial progress campus??

    aall d best n do temme about accomodation too,if u r in need den temme coz m gonna find it for myself n if i got some partners i will either look for whle apartment,basement....
  6. vini8992

    anybody is in centennial or going to centennial progress campus??

    anybody in centennial or going to centennial progress campus n looking for partnes to share accomodation,contact me on facebook www.facebook.com/vineet.er as we are already two n if got two more people den will look for basement near campus where four of us can stay....so anybody interested...
  7. vini8992

    reached canada :)

    original one i prefer lese photocopy is oki too
  8. vini8992

    Life in Canada after Arrival - Share Experience !!

    shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant jagah hai canada where everything is under rules and laws..i like it n mot not missing home till now :P
  9. vini8992

    reached canada :)

    not yet bro , ya one thing surpried me.the water of canada has same taste as the water which i use to drnk in punjab :P
  10. vini8992

    Clothes from India or Canada ..urs views ? :) PPL already in Canada also reply :

    from my expereience of 2 days :P i will advice u too to bring it from india n after 6-7 months buy it from canda as u ill feel tat they are bit costly here when u compare it with india
  11. vini8992

    reached canada :)

    canada is a wonderful place to live,,nice,quite,everything acc to rules n people are veri nice n soft spoken...n weather too now a days is veri pleasant. :) u all will definitely love it as i am :D ........
  12. vini8992

    reached canada :)

    m staying with ny uncle,,he lives very close to colege,hardly 10 mins drive..so will stay with him for month n then will find my own accomodation :)
  13. vini8992

    reached canada :)

    so canada welcomed me with rainfall :P finali reached canada after long flight of 22 hours :-\ experience at port .. she asked me one question only...wats ur height :P :P n i said 6.3 :P :P tats it... :D but i would advice u to arrange all ur documents in a file in this order... > offer...
  14. vini8992

    last few hours in india :-P

    Emotional drama :P menu ta feel e nahi a rahi :P
  15. vini8992

    last few hours in india :-P

    Cya all in canada.tnx for ur suport frns :)
  16. vini8992


    Congrats :)
  17. vini8992

    last day in INDIA :P

    rupak within dis week it wil be in transit m sure:)
  18. vini8992

    last day in INDIA :P

    sandhu yaar feel jahi ni a rahi ki mein canada chala :P rupak ayega bro :)
  19. vini8992

    last day in INDIA :P

    @neeraj @ kirtan..........thnx :) :)
  20. vini8992

    last day in INDIA :P

    tnx :P