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  1. T

    BOWP open work permit for my wife

    I wish any expert person could answer our question :)
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    BOWP open work permit for my wife

    Than You for your reply, Can she apply for extend visa (as visitor) , because she doesn't need to work? will it be accepted?, because I'm afraid to apply for BOWP for her and be refused?
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    BOWP open work permit for my wife

    Thank you for that detail reply, But I need to know , my work permit/visa will expire 7/Jan/2016, if I applied now for BOWP for me, is it legal for my wife to stay with me after expiration of her visa? as far as I know, it's legal for me to stay until thy take a decision about the work permit...
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    BOWP open work permit for my wife

    I néed advice. I applied for PR already from inside Canada. I'm with my wife and children. I'm planning to apply for BOWP open work permit because mine will expire soon. My question is, should I apply application for work permit for me and my wife(separate application). Or it can be within the...
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    Spouse work experience documents - PR file - can I ignore it

    Hi, I got my ITA last week,and I'm preparing my file now for PR submission. in my application I claim that my wife was working for one year in a pharmacy in 2010, but I can't get a prove or paper from the pharmacy now. So, I'm asking what can I do, note that this document is mandatory required...
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    OOPNP MINIMUM CRS SCORE OF 400 and age effect

    I already sent my papers to OOPNP, I have CRS SCORE OF 401 points. I have a question: I'll turn 38 years old next February that means according to CRS SCORE calculations, my score will be dropped by 5 points to be 399. So, am i write, will that actually affect my score or or that age...
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    OOPNP - Documents for submission - Education

    But in the check list you should check the "certificate true copy" option, it's always mandatory. !!! any help
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    OOPNP - Documents for submission - Education

    Thank you sir, that really helped :)
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    OOPNP - Documents for submission - Education

    anyone knows what this means "Evidence of good academic standing and length of program(s) completed (spouse or common-law partner only)" Is that means the assessment of my spouse certification??
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    OOPNP - Documents for submission - Education

    Thank you for your replay :), any idea about my last question? """"Also, there is another document "Evidence of good academic standing and length of program(s) completed (spouse or common-law partner only)" , is that means the assessment report copy of my wife's Bachelor's degree?Huh?"""
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    OOPNP - Documents for submission - Education

    I have a question, in the application form of OOPNP, they required "Certified true copies of applicant's university degree(s), college diploma(s) and/or occupational certificates *" I have a NON Canadian Bachelor's degree, and I have "Credential Assessment (ECA) Report", so should I include a...
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    DID OOPNP stopped sending PT's..

    No, I got it today, be patient .
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    Just received OOPNP PT Message, How could I contact Them??

    Just received OOPNP PT Message, I don't know what is the next step, there are no links or contact information in the message!!! ,How could I contact Them?? anyone can help me please??
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    Anyone got the OOPNP PT after 18 June ??

    I re-applied for EE on 17 June but didn't got the OOPNP PT Yet, I want to know if they reach the max number off applications or still there is a hope? Anyone got the OOPNP PT after 18 June ??
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    OOPNP - Am I the first?

    here you can find useful information ontarioimmigration.ca/en/pnp/OI_PNP_EE_CAPITAL_HOW.html cicnews.com/2015/06/ontario-opens-doors-express-entry-candidates-canadian-immigration-065436.html
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    OOPNP - Express entry before June 1, 2015

    Anyone knows what is the PT Notification recieved by mail or email? or both???
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    OOPNP - Express entry before June 1, 2015

    cicnews.com/2015/06/ontario-opens-doors-express-entry-candidates-canadian-immigration-065436.html they advice here to : ""One interesting aspect of this stream is that candidates who created a profile before June 1 and have 400 or more CRS points can withdraw their original profile and create...
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    OOPNP - Express entry before June 1, 2015

    ontarioimmigration.ca mention here that "June 1st Restriction At this time Ontario can only search the Express Entry Pool for candidates who meet Ontario’s Human Capital Priorities stream criteria and who have submitted an Express Entry profile on or after June 1st 2015. " so that means all...
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    OOPNP - Express entry before June 1, 2015

    Dear experts, I applied before June 1, 2015, and I have 401 points, working now in Toronto on work permit NOC-A. I didn't receive the PT Letter, Should I withdraw my Express Entry application and re-apply? If I did that and then I got the letter will it work with the new express entry profile...