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  1. Jamgirl


    Thank you! Things will be a lot easier when my morning sickness goes away lol :(
  2. Jamgirl


    Well Hello Ladies and Gents! Just thought I would pop in and say HI! I read back a bit and saw some new faces, Welcome! So glad to see the forum running smoothly and in a positive direction! Our group represents about 2% of all family class applications going through Kingston in one year. So...
  3. Jamgirl


    I hear ya but that's what made sense to me. I'm open to suggestion lol
  4. Jamgirl


    Lovely landing story FLK! No pictures ?! :( Ps I love whistler! It's my third home away from home!!
  5. Jamgirl


    When we received the form (they didn't let us print out a new one) they had highlighted the question that asks what my husband has been doing (work, education, etc.). My thoughts are that since he was unemployed when he applied, that yes, they did want an update to what he had been doing. Also...
  6. Jamgirl


    I agree. One good thing, everyone who has had this request had their husband home soon after!! Take peace from that!!!
  7. Jamgirl


    Lol ya that's y my thought doesn't work lol
  8. Jamgirl


    But my thought only works if the applicants applied 1+ years ago
  9. Jamgirl


    Thanks for the response chickie! I had a thought come to my mind today after a friend of mine, who has been waiting more than a year, was asked by KGN for an IMM form. What if our files from 1+ years ago had forms go missing. Before me, the only forum member that had to do a redo form was...
  10. Jamgirl


    Hey Famjam! A birdie told me there has been movement up in here! Good job Kingston and Congrats to those with updates. So glad to see the momentum pick back up!! I am curious and have a question. Can all those who remember please help me out?!?! Question: can you name which forum members were...
  11. Jamgirl


    Good Afternoon! Just thought I would drop in! Very excited today to say that hubby got a job!! He was hired today right here at the same hospital I work at :) WHOOP WHOOP im ready for a 2nd paycheck comin in lol and hubby is happy at the prospect of being busy and out of the house and of...
  12. Jamgirl


    Hey forum! Just thought I would pop in and say "HI" Hubby got his PR card yesterday so that was 38 days from Feb 2 - Mar 12. Just a heads up for all those landing after me. I haven't had time to read back but I hope that everyone is hearing good news! Tintin your on my mind! Just finishing...
  13. Jamgirl


    Wha gwan! @ Keke - CONGRATS!!!! SO happy for you! this long ass journey is over!! Time to hang the mirrors girl!! @ Cee - 2 more days!! Congrats to you as well! @ Halfmoon - Pregnant women come in three's lol.... xx
  14. Jamgirl


    I love this!! very nice!!
  15. Jamgirl


    DG, there was another meeting held in December of 2012 between CIC and the MP's. Not sure if you can find any minutes on this as it may not be posted publicly but if you can, that may give you more info on the new expectations that are being brought down on the VO's.... and, yes, hubby has...
  16. Jamgirl


    Hey forum! Happy Sunday! I am hearing that Kingston has been slow lately. Hold the faith, your time is coming!! Welcome to the newbies! Do Stick and stay! Lots of info here and experience. Ask away! Although we will never fully understand Kingston, we try our best. As soon as we think we...
  17. Jamgirl


    lol thank you! Your not far behind!! (Ok I will admit, I was OCD about seeing this final step lol)
  18. Jamgirl


    Yes, long journey indeed. Best thing is, at the end, you can walk tall with your handsome husband by your side and noone can stop you! Best wishes always!! :-*
  19. Jamgirl


    WOW!!! I love what I am reading here!!! Great landing story Halfmoon. Welcome to the club!! @ Keke - Congrats!!! PPR on the way!! @ FLK - whoo hoo, your hubby is coming home!! You are finally finished this dreadful process!! @ Cee - great to see a date on that ecas, it makes it more...
  20. Jamgirl


    Interesting read of something that happened today in RUssia.... When you read the details, think of it happening. It's like a movie! I can't even imagine. God was there this morning, this I feel for sure. No deaths...