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  1. S

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Senate of Canada ‏@SenateCA 2h2 hours ago #Dementia in Canada: Solutions for a looming crisis #SenCA #InItForAlz #SOCI It is ironical that the Senate (SOCI committee) is trying to find solutions for dementia. They were suffering from the same issue when they forgot about C6 for six months :)
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    Citizenship "Decision made" denied application??

    Hi was the 2 - 5, meant weeks, or months? Thanks
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    Citizenship application for a family combine or individual

    Hi, I have a question regarding citizenship ceremony. I saw in the CIC website that when family members apply together the citizenship certificates of minors under 14 years will be posted home. So would they not be expected to attend a citizenship ceremony?
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    Regarding minors application for Citizenship. Help needed for school records

    Hi, I have a question regarding citizenship ceremony. I saw in the CIC website that when family members apply together the citizenship certificates of minors under 14 years will be posted home. So would they not be expected to attend a citizenship ceremony?
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    CITIZENSHIP Interview Tests & Documents - 2016 & 2017

    Hi, I have a question regarding citizenship ceremony. I saw in the CIC website that when family members apply together the citizenship certificates of minors under 14 years will be posted home. So would they not be expected to attend a citizenship ceremony?
  6. S

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I don't think there is anything wrong in sending an email. Even if their actions are not prompted by our emails, as the representative's of the people they should know what we hope for. When they get from more of the same subject, it would register somewhat
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Yes please let`s keep this forum open till we see an end to C6 as this is a great help to all of us in our anxiety and waiting time
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    New CIC Minister

    I don't think that this is the exact case since this is a government diplomatic position even though I am sure he must welcome a change. He is a senior politician anyway, and why not get a reward with a good diplomatic appointment. It is a very important one too. But I wish that C 6 would have...
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Senator Jeff Sessions Attorney General Pick for USA just said that USA should consider the Canadian Immigration System
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    Citizenship Test Process - Please share experience on this thread to help others

    Re: Citizenship Test Process Yes please, I would like to know this too
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    New article says it will be Ahmed Hussen. Not sure yet but till announcement
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    yes, and as someone mentioned in an earlier post, people are becoming PR'everyday
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I know we are all waiting for C 6 to be approved, but in the meantime here is a news article that we could be proud of as future Canadians - something other than bill c 6 while we are vacationing. :)...
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    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    No where in the bill does it say that the 3/5 rule will come into effect after one year. What it does say is that "come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council".
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Happy New Year to all, and let's wish and hope that bill c 6 will see a completion to all our satisfaction in 2017
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Hopefully :)
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Thanks, so this committee currently has Bill C-6, Bill S-214, Bill S-218, and Bill C-210 to complete. Would they finish bill by bill or all four simultaneously would any one know. This might mean further delay for Bill C-6 as this was the last referred one.
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    By the way does anyone know what other bill are currently being studied or have been referred to the Social Affairs Science and Technology committee?
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    Citizenship Oath Ceremony

    Hi, Does anyone know whether when we apply as a family and both husband and wife have to sit for citizenship test, whether young children ( below 10 years ) can be left behind at home with someone - or do we have to take them with us if there is an interview afterwards? Also is it necessary to...
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    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Hope no one goes to hell