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  1. granol

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    Did they ask you to send your passport or to send print copy of all the pages?
  2. granol

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    Holy sh... really May applicant?... congratz
  3. granol

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    So nice people from March :)... seems like Warsaw is much faster than the 13 months on the web site... I always counted 13 months after receiving SA and most people here seems to have it close to something between 6 to 8 months from application filed
  4. granol

    refugee crisis

    +10 Let's bring everyone in the world in Canada who are suffering before our families... The richest countries in the middle east are not even taking any why should we rush the process just for political reasons... anyway I don't know who is giving counsel to the politicians who seems to all...
  5. granol

    Syrian coming to Canada

    What do you think if the government is taking tounsands of Syrian refugees how it will affect all of us and slow us down?... Mulcair wants to takes 10 000 before 2016, Trudeau 25 000 and now Harper also agrees to take some? and then what about 2016? Well I don't think they will be more...
  6. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    So you are kind of in the same situation as me but I am the sponsor... your spouse live in the province of Quebec so you need to apply for CSQ but for this you need the letter from CIC that's why I think that our eCAS still shows "In Process" for the sponsor... they will change for "Decision...
  7. granol

    SA than Quebec letter?

    Well actually I am the sponsor and I did put my e-mail so did my spouse... they sent me AOR first to it... When I called last week they said a letter was sent the 26th of August and I asked the agent did you send it by regular mail like Post Canada? and the guy said yes so I replied finally with...
  8. granol

    SA than Quebec letter?

    I just called CIC and like you said the agent said it's normal I didn't receive the letter yet they sent it on the 26th of August but the guy said we had to wait 4 weeks... I asked him why? he said it was somekind of process that he could not really explain... I was like you are serious I am...
  9. granol

    SA than Quebec letter?

    Thank you I see that it seems to be normal that between CIC made their decision sending the letter takes forever... Wish you an answer from Quebec soon
  10. granol

    SA than Quebec letter?

    For those that received their SA and reside in the Province of Quebec... I called CIC last Thursday about my status I am at 83 days since application received by CIC... they told me I was approved and a letter was sent last Wednesday the 26th, this is the 1st September and still no letter in the...
  11. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    10th of June applicant still without anything... these 56 days already in 76 days is getting on my nerves... and I need the letter to go on with Quebec and waste another month... thank you CIC
  12. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    As a 10th of June applicant who is still "In Process" and need a letter to go through 2nd step out of 3 I would take your French letter :) 72 days what the heck??? updated timeline says 57 days and when I call they say everything seem fine probably just high volume
  13. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    Well I finally reached them and I got about the same answers as you. I don't know why it's taking so long and I need the letter for Quebec to go on.
  14. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    Anyone else before the 15th of June still stuck at In Process?... I mean no Decision Made or SA... I am at 68 days and nothing... on the spreasheet people don't seem to update their status or now that they have their SA they just don't come to this topic anymore
  15. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    So slow it's been a week since they updated there "working on 8th of June" and they barely made it till 10th
  16. granol

    my future russian wife- PLEASE- read

    I am also a Canadian citizen born in Canada and married to a Russian. Our story sound a bit like your, we met on internet and Skype for 2 months before we decided to meet in person in Turkey. After this trip everything went so well that we wanted to see each other again so I would advice to do...
  17. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    That's pretty bad... at least all the other provinces when they have their DM it seems CIC send their applications to the VO while waiting for the official answer without losing any time... but for us in Quebec we need DM and a mail to go forward plus we are wasting 1 month with Quebec... thanks
  18. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    62 days and still no Decision Made or SA... and with Quebec I need to have the letter before it goes further... so now I am scared once I will have DM I will still have to wait a few days or a week before I have my letter and go with Quebec immigration... sound more like 70 days + to me than the...
  19. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    I just received AOR!!! :D :D :D (10th of June applicant)
  20. granol

    June 2015 - Outland applications

    From Russia... East of Europe