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  1. Richard11

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    we are in same page for delay 2 years very painful, even if this government do not help us to apply earlier, never ever give vote to Conservative who they are living in gunboat century
  2. Richard11

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    dont let senators to forget about bill c-6 ,keep contact them ,if you have phone,email.facebook and twitter you can contact them even if you want you can visit their offices ,bill c-6 need to be pass as soon as possible no mater what happen after passing bill,our target to pass Bill c-6
  3. Richard11

    Why fingerprint requested

    you may dont have fingers prints in Canada so they want you to have finger print ,if anything negative come up then they won't give you PR
  4. Richard11

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    iam sick and tired of these fat a$$ senators they dont move their a$$ and another big holiday is just in corner
  5. Richard11

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    could you please just talk abut Bill c-6 .we are here for this topic only. if you have some thing to say about Bill just share your thought
  6. Richard11

    Why fingerprint requested

    well if you dont have finger print in Canada they will ask you to do your finger print before you get anything from Canada not only in Canada but all around world need finger print from you if they give you some rights to live thier country,and there is many reason for finger print if they...
  7. Richard11

    BREAKING NEWS Bill C-6 finally passed in HoC, Now reading in Senate

    lets guys just focus on bill c-6 contact your local MPs and senators they know better answer for you then our comments here so please keep sending them emails ,,,thanks
  8. Richard11

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    lets guys just focus on bill c-6 contact your local MPs and senators they know better answer for you then our comments here so please keep sending them emails ,,,thanks
  9. Richard11

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    hi guys any big update for Bill c-6?
  10. Richard11

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    guys don't give up keep talking about Bill c-6! and keep contact minster of immigration and contact MPs and senators
  11. Richard11

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    hey guys please keep contact senators ,phone them ,twits them ,send email and go their offices,just focus on Bill-c-6
  12. Richard11

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    yeas of course if they have been elected then no body complain about their bad or good action, but right now the professors,Dr,Sir,Madam,business person,.......... all looking for free money and they want to be slave and screaming in senators house for one particular party what the shame on them...
  13. Richard11

    bill c-6 - when is going to be approved?

    Argent every one Time to contact our local MPs and immigrations minster ,go to their offices ,phone them ,email them twitted them and go to their social page and let them know Bill c-6 should not be delay any more tell them what ever you want to tell, and also contact senators as well
  14. Richard11

    Bill-C6 bring back our rights

    thank u for let us know , i did