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  1. sammystorm19


    Hey Suki - I will be in Negril on the 25th until the 30th. PM me where you are staying and we will meet up for a drink or two :)
  2. sammystorm19


    @Suki - When and where are you going to be in Jamaica? Hpw long are you staying for? I leave in 38 days and will be there for 16 days.
  3. sammystorm19


    Witty - Sooooo Happy for you!!!! :) :) :)
  4. sammystorm19


    And July 28th can't come soon enough. That is when the big day is...I am sure that his Mother already has everything planned though :)
  5. sammystorm19


    Thanks Charlie!!! Yes another Negril person. I love it there. We are headed there for a few days in March when I am down there
  6. sammystorm19


    @ suki - OMG I love the pictures. Our date is July 28th. I just might ask for help. I can't PM you back, guess I haven't been a member long enough.
  7. sammystorm19


    @Suki - We are getting married in Negril. I am looking forward it to so much
  8. sammystorm19


    Thanks everyone for the answers. I have all the forms that i need now!!! We will be getting pictures done when I am down there in March. The medical and police will be done in July before the wedding. I am going to get copies of his passport in case I need it for anything...
  9. sammystorm19


    Hi Guys, Well I am still filling out all the forms to get ready to take down with me in March so the "soon to be mister" can sign them.....but I want to make sure that I have the correct forms. Also I am guessing i am applying as outland..this part confuses me. So if I live in Canada and he...
  10. sammystorm19


    RG - you brought tears to my eyes!!! Congratulations :)
  11. sammystorm19


    Hi Guys!! Thank everyone for the info on here so far. I have all the papers printed off, most of them filled out and ready to take down with me in March. The wedding plans are coming along good. 180 days till the big day. July 28th can't come soon enough!!! ;D My boyfriend will be getting the...
  12. sammystorm19


    Thank you very much CharlieD!! I will take a look and see what it is I need to do. I am looking forward to getting back down there. I will be down for 2 weeks end of March to make plans for the wedding and to spend time with my honey. Then back again in July for the big day!! I plan on...
  13. sammystorm19


    Hi Everyone, I am new here and need some questions answered. I am getting married in July and want to sponser my soon to be husband to come to Canada after we get married. What are the steps I have to take? What forms are needed and what is the cost. If anyone can answer or direct me to the...