Don't worry vivek. Just keep faith in yourself. If everything is fine then you will get your visa for sure.
Don't think that they will mail or blah blah.
I heard people are saying they got mail before getting of their passport. but its weird because how
come CHC is informing people.
Oh is it so? CHC has sent all sms to my mobile number and do you think they e-mailed about my approval to agent. what common sense are you talking about?
Think once what are you telling.
Yup, at VFS Bangalore.
Why it took 4 days? I think this should be answered by VFS not by Me.
I never asked this thing to them why are they taking so much time?
You only know you have sufficient documents. how visa officer will know that you have been accepted to that university unconditionally or not. [ I am not telling they will not issue. I am just trying to say if you are having Conditional LOA that means there must be some condition
which you have...
just think once before applying. you have conditional LOA. what if you are not fulfill their condition. so, you can't apply for visa until and unless you have unconditional LOA.
If you want to send mail just proceed. No problem in sending wire transfer details to scotiabank.
In both cases you will get your GIC certificate.
After sending wire transfer details to scotiabank, within 48 hours you will get your GIC certificate.