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  1. claramcarvalho

    Ray of Hope - 99th Draw

    Hello docparth86! check this: "Date the certificate was issued For the country where you currently live: this police certificate must have been issued no more than 6 months before the date you submit your application. For any other country from which you need a police certificate: the police...
  2. claramcarvalho

    Ray of Hope - 99th Draw

    I like the predicting thing! LOL Next Draws: Scenario 1: No 3-week gap at all 99th draw on Sept 19th: 3900 ITA, 440 score. 100th draw on Oct 3rd: 3900 ITA, 439 score. 101st draw on Oct 17th: 3900 ITA, 439 score. Scenario 2: 3-week gap in Sep, 99th draw: 99th draw on Sept 26th: 3900 ITA, 447...
  3. claramcarvalho

    Ray of Hope - 99th Draw

    If they push next draw (99th) to Sept 26th, my prediction is 447 for that draw, 3900 ita.
  4. claramcarvalho

    Ray of Hope - 99th Draw

    So hard to tell... There has been in the past 3 regular draws ina month (August 2017, May 2017, April 2017, January 2017), 1 regular draw to increase score (June 2017), they have skipped a week and have done a PNP or FST draw (may 2018, november 2017), they have just skipped a week (march...
  5. claramcarvalho

    Ray of Hope - 99th Draw

    Predictions: If round is in two weeks: score will be 440 (round on Oct 3rd). If round will be placed with 3 week gap, than my prediction is 447, round on Oct 10th. Both with 3900 ITA released.
  6. claramcarvalho

    Ray of Hope - 98th Draw

    If round is in two weeks, she will probably get the ITA. My prediction is still 440 for ITA on Oct 3rd. If round will be places with 3 week gap, than my prediction is 447, round on Oct 10th, 3900 ITA
  7. claramcarvalho

    Ray of Hope - 98th Draw

    I think there will be no draw tomorrow. Hoping to be wrong...!
  8. claramcarvalho

    Ray of Hope - 98th Draw

    For listening try https://ieltsonlinetests.com/ It's free, lots of reading and listening
  9. claramcarvalho

    Creating and Updating profiles

    He is the best primary applicant for sure: he is younger and have fluent English, since he studied, lived and worked in Australia and USA. :p I have an advanced english, and although in practice test I get 8+ in reading and listening, I am really afraid of speaking and writing.
  10. claramcarvalho

    Creating and Updating profiles

    Hello guys! Me and my husband are studying immigrating to Canada. I actually have been studying the whole process since last year and checking the best options for us. We have not taken any IELTS, we have not done our ECA, all we have done is checking our chances before we spend a lot of money...
  11. claramcarvalho

    Ray of Hope - 98th Draw

    Yes, I would do that too. Create her profile as soon as possible and then just update it, given that updating does not change the date of your profile creation. That gives you some advance in case of tie-braking.
  12. claramcarvalho

    Getting Police Certificates from Italy

    Michael, do you have any feedback if you were able to get the Certificates? I am having a similar doubt. I lived in Cesena, and I have a dear friend who is able to help me, but he lives in Firenze. I am reading and checking, and I think I can ask the Certificate to be released in Firenze, this...
  13. claramcarvalho

    Spouse and family joining later

    Hello! We are planning our emmigration to Canada, at this moment we are researching and joining as much information as possible about the process. Me and my husband are skilled workers (NOC skill type A) and we have two children (9y and 1y4m). We are planning on emmigrating, but I have a doubt...