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  1. jaxxon


  2. jaxxon

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Thank you! I'm gonna try it tomorrow :)
  3. jaxxon


    Hi everyone! Ive been having some health issues over the last two months and it's making me worried about my upcoming move to Canada. We have flights booked for the end of September (They were booked before I got sick) my doctors obviously cant guarantee I will be well before then. So Im...
  4. jaxxon

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Is there any way of contacting the London office to comfirm that they recived my passport copy and immigraton photos?
  5. jaxxon

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Thank you! I really appriciate that :)
  6. jaxxon

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Royal Mail says my package I sent to Canadian High Comission was delivered to "Victoria PDO". I'm really confused since that was not where I sent my package...I used the adress provided in the email from CIC ???
  7. jaxxon

    Sponsor doesn't currently live in Canada

    You can still sponsor your husband even if you currently live in Australia. My husband lives with me in Sweden and was approved as a sponsor very quickly. The only thing is you need to include "proof" of that you will move back to Canada once your husbands PR is approved. It could be a lease...
  8. jaxxon


    Happy Canada day! :)
  9. jaxxon

    eMedical URGENT HELP! Please!!

    Sorry that this happend to you! When I had my medical done my doctor said it would take a week or so before he sent the results off because it took a few days before the results of the xray to come through. Not sure how long it will take before CIC looks at the results though. Best of luck...
  10. jaxxon

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Thank you! My application was processed in Ottawa, so suprised over how fast it went! I count myself as very blessed and very very lucky since I know people from 2014 are still waiting to hear about their applications.
  11. jaxxon

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    After a few days of beeing sick my final papers (passpprt copy, updated information chart, immigration photos and self adressed envelope) is finally on their way to Canada House in London, UK! I Wonder how long its gonna be until I find the same envelope in my own mailbox again containing my...
  12. jaxxon

    Do we really need an immigration lawyer?

    When I had a working holiday visa and lived in Canada I had a friend from the UK who was applying for a permanent residence, this was before I got married and me and my (now) husband had only just briefly looked over the application process. Since she was in the middle of it I obviously asked...
  13. jaxxon

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    ECAS shows "Decsion Made" today :) :)
  14. jaxxon

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Awesome thanks! For my location you can put Malmö :)
  15. jaxxon

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    so I recived an email from CPC-Ottawa today saying that my application have reached the final stage and that there is a few documents I need to send the office in London, UK. Passport copy, Updated Information chart and two new immigration photos. So is this the last step? Im sending it all off...
  16. jaxxon


    I got an email today from Ottawa office saying "Ready for Visa - London" and requesting two immigration photos, and an Updated Information Chart and copy of passport to send to the visa office in London, UK :) So am I actually able to say my application is approved now? :D
  17. jaxxon


    I just recived an email from Ottawa Office with the title "Ready for Visa - London". It says my application has reached the final stage and that they are requesting two immigration photos, and Appendix B, Uppdated informtation Chart, passport copy and an self adressed envelope to send to the...
  18. jaxxon


    Thank you!! :) :)
  19. jaxxon


    Thank you! :)
  20. jaxxon


    Oh wow that is really fast! Hopefully any day now then :)