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  1. billad

    Can person age 50 apply for student visa in any of University in Canada

    Yeah there is no age restriction. Just make sure, she selects courses which are relevant with her experience and studies. In her case, her studies relevance won't matter much but experience will be.
  2. billad

    toefl vs IELTS

    I haven't seen any restriction anywhere, what they want is the proof of english language skills and IELTS and TOEFL both are world standardized. Initially, IELTS used to be done for Euorpian countries and TOEFL was for USA and Canada. Go for one, in which you are comfortable. just make sure you...
  3. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    IA you guys who are done with medical will get the visa soon :) I have the feelings that the guys who are done with medical will get their visas in this week.
  4. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    I was also thinking the same that after Eid it will be a bit difficult to get tickets and if someone would be able to get then he/she have to pay some extra bucks for it. I am confuse about this because I haven't got medical yet therefore quite possible I have to defer my course. so lets see
  5. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    congratulations ....
  6. billad

    Finally, Got my visa!!

  7. billad

    college students?

    if you are from Pakistan, then keep an eye on this forum http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/application-status-chc-islamabad-summer-t99683.0.html it gets updated as soon as some good/bad news come
  8. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    Normally good news come after monday, Monday is the first working day of the week so today they will do some processing and then updates will be on their way.
  9. billad

    Cant Defer the Admission

    get it refund then...
  10. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    Thanks, yes it is usefull
  11. billad

    little tense

    In what perspective you are comparing mohawk and hamilton ? both are good, I would recommend go for nearest one or cheap residence one so that you can save some bucks you can find apartments / basement in good cheap range. http://www.zahoorahmad.com/ for property guidance ... he is really...
  12. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    I would suggest students who are going there to take there laptops with them even if they are slower ones and wait for some sale. Electronics and other items are very cheap on sale there. specially like Black Friday
  13. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    (y) thumbs up
  14. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    You don't sounds like a Leo :)
  15. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    thats a good news ... dair ayee drust ayee ;)
  16. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    two college students have already got their medicals so wait and pray
  17. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    Good to hear that. wish you all the best and hope to be there (in canada) together soon :)
  18. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    14th June 2012 still waiting for medical Computer Systems Technology - Software Development and Network Engineering Co-op Trafalgar Oakville, Ontario and you?
  19. billad

    Application Status - CHC Islamabad "Summer"

    . islamabad-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca they won't tell you anything on the phone. I don't think so they will reply to email about your status ... at max they reply that your case is in process. some one had posted a link to contact in case of delays... lemme find that or may be momi or...