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Search results

  1. iSuperman

    Did you stay together at the same location? Yes or No

    Hey, So I am putting HOME and the hotel names (different in all visits) in details for the visita and chossing option YES. Right? Also, what about the very first meeting. It does not have any YES or NO in relevance!
  2. iSuperman

    Did you stay together at the same location? Yes or No

    Hi, We stayed at our home for every visit but in every visit we went out and stayed at different hotels as well. So would it be a YES or NO for this question?
  3. iSuperman

    Should we write person name or SPONSOR/PRINCIPAL APPLICANT in forms?

    Should we write person name or SPONSOR/PRINCIPAL APPLICANT in forms? For example in form IMM5532E, question 4 in part C: Who traveled to visit whom? Here should I write he/she, names or sponsor/pa?
  4. iSuperman

    Did you have any contact before you met in person?

    Hi, As per the new form IMM5532E, in part C: how much detail this question requires as I have been in a 4 years lomg distance relationship before I met my wife in person. Do I have to summarise those 4 years in a write up for this question as how our communication and relationship grew...
  5. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    Exactly. Picking 10 pages but what 10 pages? 5 pages from Fb, 5 from Whatsapp, 5 greeting cards/letters and 5 emails? If yes, then in what order? Messages from the beginning or recent ones?
  6. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    If you are not living together, also provide: Letters, printed text messages, emails or social media conversations between you and your sponsor. Provide a maximum of 10 pages. Here in this part.
  7. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    Please help me in this. We have almost 5000 messages on fb, More than 10000 messages on Whatsapp. How to summarise all of them in just 10 pages to show that we have a continuous communication?
  8. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    Writing details behind pics means they are expecting them in loose form. Right? Then what about the pics with details in the relationship proof question?
  9. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    Where is this written? I searched for keyword photograph in both basic and complete guide but found nothing like this.
  10. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    So guys are saying that it would be tough for the officer to understand? I thought this will make the officer's work easier and he/she will make ours fine.
  11. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    So there were 2 questions. 1. How relationship developed 2. Proof of genuineness So I wrote a breif for question 1 and everything else for question 2.
  12. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    I wrote that with a thought they will get an idea with a glimpse on the number of pages along with the details and pics and will help them understand that this relationship is healthy and genuine in much less time. What do you think?
  13. iSuperman

    Capital or sentence case to fill data in the forms?

    Thanks. I am now considering every single info to be put in all the forms in capitals.
  14. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    If you had to chose, would you go for pics in the Word doc or the loose pics? Actually we have almost 7 years of long distance relationship, so that's why mentioned every detail for safer side to avoid any chance of problems.
  15. iSuperman

    Best way to put pictures as an evidence for relationship?

    Hi, I have written our story in a Word document and inserted images for every event. Altogether, the story and the images have created a document of over 200 pages. Is this the correct way of showing pictures or putting loose photographs is good? Thanks in advance.
  16. iSuperman

    Any Whatsapp group for spousal sponsorship?

    Please let me know.
  17. iSuperman

    Filling new spousal sponsorship forms from Dec 15, 2016.

    Hi, Has anyone started?