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  1. KloveG


    Same here. Our background check never started according to the system but we are all finished and copr in hand lol
  2. KloveG


    I was reading this yesterday and it made me so confused! Lol I think we will probably just not do anything since it seems they only focus on what's coming after. I'll just peep him in case they ask. I'm hoping he won't have any delays with immigration as he just has 2.5 hours before his...
  3. KloveG


    Does anyone know if we have to fill out anything for items my hubby is bringing with him. He is just bringing his clothes, shoes, phone etc. Just personal use items. And nothing coming after. I'm so confused if we have to do anything. I was reading about people filling out all these papers and...
  4. KloveG


    We put down we wanted English too. But that day they asked him if he wanted to use the Spanish translator that was there, so he did. He said it was easier to answer because he knew why she said in English but had to wait for the person to translate to Spanish and it gave him time also. Our...
  5. KloveG


    You will! Even though the wait feels like forever, the end is worth it :)
  6. KloveG


    You are welcome! I remember being in your shoes exactly a year ago. It was so stressful and just second guessing everything. Finally after checking about 30 times I just put them in the envelope so I'd stop! lol Now today I am anxiously awaiting my husband to get here next week :)
  7. KloveG


    You don't need those kinds of things certified. The only things that require you to have them certified is like government documents (birth/marriage/divorce certificates). Letters from family, receipts etc just need the translation.
  8. KloveG


    All documents need to have a translation from Spanish to English. You can have an unofficial person translate it, if it's just letters etc. But it has to be sworn that it is true/right basically and then the person who translates it must sign and be witnessed by a lawyer or a proper official...
  9. KloveG


    Our MP emailed us around the 8th of sept and they had called the "number" or VO and informed us we were in queue for interview. Sept 22 we got email to let us know about he interview and it was for Oct 24.
  10. KloveG


    I would agree with sneakydrivers advice. It's a lot of hassle and too many unknown factors to go wrong for the first time.
  11. KloveG


    When we sent ours, we sent the original birth certificate and marriage certificate. So it didn't need to be certified that it was a true copy by the lawyer. However, we did have to get it "stamped" by the government office in his country to get it "legalized". It is very confusing and some...
  12. KloveG


    I wish I could help but we didn't have to do that so I'm not sure
  13. KloveG


    Congrats! Seems like they are working hard!
  14. KloveG


    Our file was transferred Jan 22. Our ecas changed to processing application on March 28th under the PA side and we didn't actually get an official notification (letter via email) until May 22. It varies so much from person to person. I think it has a lot to do with the visa officer who actually...
  15. KloveG

    Minor error on COPR

    I just happen to notice that on the COPR the place of birth has a spelling error. Correct spelling is Santo Domingo but on the paper it says Santo Doming Is it ok? Do we email them for correction?
  16. KloveG


    Just write it on a separate page. Don't forget to write the name, date of birth and file# at the top.
  17. KloveG


    We have COPR in hand and can't contain our excitement! Such a great and indescribable moment. One that will outweigh all the madness and inpatient moments
  18. KloveG

    In need of help for the interview.

    He came for the first time January 2015? How long did he stay? And he came back December 2016? That's more than 18 months unless of course he stayed for a longer period of time in January 2015
  19. KloveG


    There is definitely a trend for interviews for Dominican Republic. I haven't followed the other ones as closely but it does seem that way as you suggested for the Mexico VO
  20. KloveG


    Just got confirmation our passport was sent back to my hubby. Sooo exciting :)