Belated wishes to all the people who are having their birthday celebrations! And love to those cute little pies who born this week! My elder son (a toddler of 14 months!) and the expected one are both eager to meet you there in Canada!
Btw, it's a rainy morning here in Bangladesh! And...
delayed draw actually became a blessing in disguise for me. my wife is expecting and her edd is 12/13th Sept. can't go for medical before the child is born and need at least 1 month after birth to get the baby's passport. so, technically, if the draw happens on 9th, it gives me ample time to...
Going through the same situation here, mate! (CRS 439) Except for I have been only for last 3 months! Anyways, just keep hanging there, we all will reap the fruits of being patient someday very soon! You have come a loooong way - just wait a bit more! :)
Thanks for this extremely soothing post that I was looking for the past 3/4 days - sitting at 439 and seeing it slipping out of my grip was becoming so nerve wrecking and painful! Thanks again brother!
Unless they decide to increase the cut-off score! But, hey, this is a group of hope! so, yeah, i'm very hopeful about today! Also, praying for everyone else. after all, we are supposed to join the party in Canada!