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  1. P

    Changes on Oct 11, 2017 - Executive summary/FAQ C-6

    Great all my documents are ready. I will go to make photo and my application will be sent next week ! And I saved the 600$... So expensive !!!
  2. P

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    Has bill c-6 been applied or I still can't exerce my right to vote for corrupt politicians ?
  3. P

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    Do you have the exact link for the official documents required to apply ?
  4. P

    Bill C-6, Messages between the HoC and the Senate, FACTS ONLY

    The bill c-6 will become law the next week ? So can I send my application with the 3/5 status the next week or I have to wait ?
  5. P

    Bill C-6, Messages between the HoC and the Senate, FACTS ONLY

    Having a positive mind is the secret. We shouldn't even talk about the rejection of the bill when the debate has not been planified yet.
  6. P

    Bill C-6, Messages between the HoC and the Senate, FACTS ONLY

    Here's you have an article about all amendments and their effects: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/senate-passes-bill-that-would-repeal-many-many-conservative-citizenship-changes/article34890037/ As you can read, it's not some kind of stupid amendments but they well complete the...
  7. P

    Bill C-6, Messages between the HoC and the Senate, FACTS ONLY

    Senate can't delay anymore the Bill c-6. The long process with 1st reading, 2nd reading, comitee and 3rd reading is done. And I think liberals want to quicly pass the bill and stop the polemic. On 29th may, they will likely accept amendments. Stiffy makes hypothesis about what will happen if...
  8. P

    Bill C-6, Messages between the HoC and the Senate, FACTS ONLY

    I don't know why a lot of people think the bill c-6 won't be voted in HoC. The most problematic amendments have already been rejected. So it's more a matter of weeks before the Royal Assent. Here's the Senate's amendments : Gives Canadians the right to a hearing before citizenship can be...
  9. P

    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    I received this email today : Conservative senators guess who will become Canadian citizen ? The french guy !
  10. P

    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    And about the Toronto Sun : Is it a newspaper or some kind of new super expensive toilet papers ? They call this the "terrorist citizenship". Why ? Because of 218 counter terrorist targets. We are 360000 who immigrate in Canada each year. It means 0.06% of all immigrants by year. Or 0.015%...
  11. P

    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    Sent... it's pissing me off... They are playing like kids and dont get a lot of people are depending of this law... I hope for the consevative party, we wont get our citizenship before the next election...
  12. P

    Public service jobs in Quebec

    Hello, first I'm french not english so sorry for the grammar, spelling and all the ****... I need informations about tests to work for the government of Quebec. I'm junior engineer and I have two tests to pass in April : - Analytical Exam, Engineer or Engineer / AING-QB-1301 (250) -...
  13. P

    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    Not for me, I graduated and I need citizenship to apply to the Canadian Army. And since I will get my citizenship less than 5 years, they need to check my security background and I will wait one year more before to enroll. Conservative party is killing my ambitions and my dream to be an...
  14. P

    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    Will you vote for conservative party after you citizenship ? Nope...
  15. P

    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    I hope the law will pass in 2017. I graduate and I want to join canadian army.