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  1. B

    Passport Requested

    congratulation i am steel weiting for my interview date its long time i hate be weiting that long
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    Outland > Medical Exam > Appendix C > Address???

    if you will stey for long time in canda so put your current adress there if not is better you put your home adress in your contry
  3. B

    pls some one can unswer this question

    thnx for evry body tht really help very good
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    pls some one can unswer this question

    thnx ryffa for replay so you mean if i have prove from the 2010 it will be ok no prob?us like i told you i have tickets trips picters and e mail msg from 2010
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    pls some one can unswer this question

    hi evry body i ask that question but no one unswer it so i decide to ask again maby i can get unswer...here is my stuation i know my wife from the first time on 2009 on line in some site(tagged)so we talked on this site for like 3 month and than we decide to...
  6. B

    Has anyone used Facebook for evidence of your relationship on your application?

    hi i have queston pls ...i meet my wife the first time on some website in 3 4 2009 and we talking over than 3 month in that website and than we decide to cancel our accont on this website(tagged)and than we talked by msn and in 2010 i change my msn to onother one because...
  7. B

    Requesting CAIPs notes.

    hi mona i think is you dont have to order it but if its important for you so than do it but for me i dont do it bilel
  8. B

    hi evry body pls help

    thnx so much for replay i am not worried from this interview us i know i can prouve that our relation is genuim just i was worri if it will be prob if i cant bring prove show i talkig to my wife from 2009
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    hi evry body pls help

    thnx for replay i have other question pls so i know my wife in 2009 but we was talking by msn but some prob was in that msn so i change it and i make other one so that will be a prob in interview my wife to cant find historic from this time just the last...
  10. B

    hi evry body pls help

    hi i need some help pls if someone can help me...haw i can order my GCSM wish site i need to look and haw long it take to get all information if some now can be great to unswer thnx
  11. B

    application recvd and medicals, what happened to in process?

    hi i am in the same boat and my medical result have been recived for like 4 month now and nothing is change till now i am steel weiting i wich good luck for all here
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    ok thnx for replay my vo is paris what is yours and ihope evry thing go well us me too i dont undrestand why they request the interview us i think evry thing is ok with us but whatever iam ready for it so i think evry thing will be ok i hope so too :(
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    hi wifeia i just got the same e mail in novembre 4 and till now i am weting and nothing so pls do you know haw much it will take to get the next mail or call or whatever and is important to order the GCSM/CAIPs so i know ppls they never do things like that and...
  14. B

    hi evry one??if some one can help pls

    hi evry body i need to know what things should i prepare for interview i just get e mail from paris that an inteview is request so i wnna be reday for it so pls help
  15. B

    hi i need some help plz

    thnx for evry one i am asking the same question because i hate to be weting for long time i need to know if something help to speed my application i think evry one know what feeling i have now i dont want to be awy from my wife because she mean the world...
  16. B

    friends and fellow applicants please give me an answer!!!!

    hi suva i hade the same stuation and it was an interview request...so they email me to say that an interview is request but till now i dont know about the date or the place and i am steel weting for the new from them good luck
  17. B

    hi i need some help plz

    thnx bdh for help but haw did you know it help? ::)
  18. B

    hi i need some help plz

    hi evry body...so can some one edvice me pls i send my application for PR trougth paris and my wife is pregnant and soon she will give birth so she send me a letter from doctor telling that she is in almost 8 months so my question its not prob if i mail...
  19. B

    Finally Good News

    congradulation mrs turan