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    morning everyone i have a question and i hope someone will be able to give me some advice on the situation last year when i file my taxes ... the lady who i filed it with told me that since my husband is another country and i had not started the paperwork yet that i should still file as single...


    MORNINf ALL MRSLSW....i am sure your husband will come around soon enough ... he probably just needs a little time to wrap his mind around the fact that it all done and so quickly.... LSSO. LOVE THAT JAM what a song fi start of the tuesday morning.... happy tuesday everyone one .... lets hope...


    good morning forum family wow i see that alot of updates come through since i last signed in CONGRATS to all who get updates and bless up to those of us still waiting on news bless up Charlie for all your good work keeping us motivated..you truely are a piller of great strenght and we would all...


    Good morning Forum Family i hope everyone is having a blessed day :) :) :) congrats on you movement Suki.... I hope that all of us waiting to here something get some movement come on kgn... youve been doing a bang up job for the last few weeks keep it up I am here still missing yard .... just...


    Deloswifey Chin up my girl JAH KNOW ME VEX FI YOU IF ONLY HIM KNOW WHAT HIM DO I BET RIGHT NOW HIM A KICK HIM SELF I can testify say you are a wonderful person and you will bounce back from this better than ever…. Just look at how your taking the situation and keeping it positive shows my...


    morning all I'mbackat home and hating it ohh god my time there seemed so short God all i can do is pray that things work out soon and hubby will be by my side i'm not sure how much longer i can go on with my family seperated i tell you .... sometimes i think about just packing me and my angel...


    ;Da wheh what what kgn naw ramp this week someone lite a fire under dem and dem a do dem thing ..... BIG CONGRATS to all u who got updates and for those still waiting keep ur head up our time will come .... As for I have to go finish pack this time tomorow I will be touchn down hopefull and...


    Omg I am soo psyched 1 more sleep till I am in the sun ohhhh God can this day hurry up and be over already Im still on a high from yesterday what a day for updates ….. kgn you’ve been doing great so far this week keep it up wouldn’t mind you pushing my file through so I can bring hubby back...


    :D :D :)wow I'm sitting here reading all these stories and crying my eyes out reading all these stories ... Happy tears though all these hook ups and progress reports and seeing mrs lsw that ur so close to the end of ur journey sOoooooo happy for u god is good all the time and all the time god...


    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Whoot whooot Happy dance less than 48 hrs till I am in my hubbys And then to top it all off my file is now updated ****** updated to recv'd in KGN & medicals recv'd ****** OMG I AM SOOOOO HAPPY RIGHT NOW …….GOD IS GREAT


    Wow love reading these how I met my husband stories So here goes I will add mine My story is sort of off the wall(Jerry Springer moment)…. 7 years ago on the day my daughter was born … which also coincidently was my 24 birthday as well … I found out that her father who I had been with since I...


    TKS CHARLIE i think i will get it chencked out when i am out there love my denist he seems to be the only one i have been to so far in my area that has not gotten totally on my nerves ...... but since i cant get to see him till i come back might as well support the loacal jamaica economy and...


    good morning all got a question for yall totaly off topic on the whole immigration thing but i hope someone can help me either way i was wondering about how much does it cost to get a tooth filled in jamaica.... i have a tooth thats started bothering me this morning and i cant get into seeing...

    Newbies welcome here, applicants sponsoring for Jamaica

    Morning all and bless up to everyone Ohhh man loosing that one hour has me beat :'( …daylight savings time sucks Hope everyone is in good spirts today I have a feeling we gonna get some great updates this week 4 more days till im in my babys arms I cant wait to see him been 7 monhts now and I...


    Morning all and bless up to everyone Ohhh man loosing that one hour has me beat …daylight savings time sucks Hope everyone is in good spirts today I have a feeling we gonna get some great updates this week 4 more days till im in my babys arms I cant wait to see him been 7 monhts now and I...


    GOT THIS IN AN EMAIL AND HAD TO SHARE Indian legend Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of Passage? His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until...


    Good morning all Happy hump day Congrats Charlie  Glad to see your journey is almost over Congrats to everyone else who got updates Way to go KG!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work Come on end February with a bang HAVE A BLESSED DAY EVERYONE ;D ;D ;D


    So March break is around the corner and i cant wait for my trip to ontario. i'll be looking at buying a house in Brampton...yeahhh..gots to prepare before hubby reaches up. this move is going to be a huge change for me and hubby but atleast we will be doing it together so yeahhh again...


    congrats witty so happy for you that the journey has come to a happy conclusion congrtrats to everyone else you have recieved upadates and progress in there journey "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step..." i have a feeling like good things gonna happen this week happy...

    Newbies welcome here, applicants sponsoring for Jamaica

    Whooo hoooo I love signing in here and seeing good news Congrats witty ….. I love how seeing everyone’s progress gives me that feeling of joy in my heart Its weird but reading everyones stories and progress makes me almost feel like I there right with you Congrats to all who have seen...